Some hard lives

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Sunday 6 October, end of the morning.

-We would like to clarify that the rumors regarding the possible romance between Freddie Mercury and his bass player John Deacon are unfounded, but the witness claim to have seen them go to the other's room many time and many nights. Many people think...

-Turn off that fucking TV or I throw it out the bloody window, shouted the singer on the edge of implosion.

Jim obeys without making a fuss, the media had been repeating the same story over and over again for several days. But it wasn't the worst, neither of them could go out in peace because the journalists were ambushed outside to trying to get any word from Freddie or even him about the nature of their relationship.

-Now you see what it's like to be a celebrity Jim, sighed the rockstar. No matter you go you always attract vultures!

-Yeah... I can't believe how fierce they are, it's really a game of patience, said his man calmly.

-And mine is starting to reach its limits...I can't even sleep without thinking about tomorrow, added Freddie starting to pace.

The Irishman saw his boyfriend was at its worst, he was often anxious, subject to mood swings but it was mainly tantrums towards Paul and Alex coming back in the middle of an ordinary conversation. Jim knew that Freddie needed him more than ever because the pressure was becoming unbearable for him. He went to stand behind his back and wrapped him in his arms.

-You must not crack now my love, you must not let them reach you, he wispered tenderly.

-It's not for me that I'm worried but for John.

-Do you think he's under the same pressure as us right now, asked the Irishman.

-No doubt...Paul got him into this shit because he never like him and I noticed it to late, he added clenching his fists.

-Don't lose hope, we will find a solution for all of us. There is always a solution, mumbled Jim into his ear.

Freddie wondered how his man could stay so positive because despite everything Paul was right about one thing: him and Deaky had had an intimate experience and twice. They had sworn to each other that night it would only stay between them; but now their secret was in danger of being discovered and neither of them would forgive themselves. The two lovebirds were surprised by the smashing of the front door.

-Ha Phoebe, exclaimed the singer. So how is it outside?

-It's strangely calm but I spotted a paparazzi ambushed in the alley, said Peter with a visibly exhausted face.

-Obviously, what a poison, spat the singer venomously.

-Do you think it's safe to go out now, asked his man. Do you really want to go to your meeting?

-Of course darling! A meeting with Cliff Richard cannot afford to be postponed and if I stay one more day within these walls I'll go nuts, replied his boyfriend.

-Alright, I understand. But I warn you: I'll keep an eye on you, affirmed Jim very seriously.

-I hope so, huffed the eldest. Give me two minutes to get ready and we will join Terry.

Freddie disappeared into his bedroom leaving Peter and Jim together, since their argument after what had happened the atmosphere still hadn't relaxed between them and despite Phoebe's apologies, the Irishman was always cold and distant with him.

-It would be better if I accompany you, started the stocky man.

-Don't need, snapped back Jim controlling the tone of his voice. I can watch over him on my own.

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