Tense New Year

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Tuesday 31 December, 8h45.

-Joe I know you're here! Get out of this bathroom or I kill you bloke, screamed Freddie knocking on the door.

-Jesus...! Is he really serious, asked Clint with wide eyes.

-No he's just too dramatic, again, giggled his boyfriend.

Joe and Clint had locked themselve in the bathroom to share a quiet moment, they had taken their first shower together but had also shared their first real kiss and they hadn't seen the time go by. The older of the two adjusted his shirt then turned the key; Freddie was waiting for them with both hands on either side of the door and the typical face of an impatient diva.

-You little rascals, huffed the rockstar. Now you dare to slip into the bathrooms and lock the doors just to do obscene things.

-Relax we just kissed, Joe smirked and refrained from pronouncing: unlike some people. And since you were still asleep Clint had the right to come and enjoy the jacuzzi bath, righ?

-I'm warning you both, added Freddie pointing at them both. You can kiss wherever you want, you can even make love on the roof if you want but don't deprive me from taking a bath just before New Year Eve!

-Ok ok I understood your Highness, sighed Joe before returning his gaze on his boyfriend. Come on Debbie let's go.

The young man followed him down the hall, he still had problem with the singer's habits and that had already earned him a few reprimands. Living with a flamboyant rockstar was not as easy as he had thought.

-Is he always like that?

-When it's bath time yes, laughed Joe. If he could I'm sure he would spend his entire days in a bath.

-This is ridiculous I'm a medical student and I think I will end up diying of a heart attack, resumed Clint just loud enough from his boyfriend to hear him.

-Do not speak of misfortune, the older man gave him a little pat on the shoulder. You will get used to it.

-Honestly I prefer when we're both at home, because at least you don't kick my ass.

Joe laughed sweetly and took his hand, Clint was so adorably shy that he never dared to reply in front of Freddie. But at least the eldest was always very kind because he was never mean to him, he just liked to tease him.

-You know even if Freddie is an exhausting drama Queen, he loves you very much.

-You're sure, asked the youngest.

-Indeed, don't forget I've know him for years. He has his own way of showing affection but considering how happy you make me, he will never throw you out of this house, explained Joe just before giving him a little kiss on the cheek.

Clint blushed but even already knew it, it should not be forgotten that Freddie was quite a character and since they had totally opposite personalities; the dialogue often ended in misunderstanding.

-He who repeat that he's boring off the stage...he must not have the same vocabulary as us, Clint allowed himself at least this little joke.

-Freddie is Freddie, exclaimed Joe. You just have to follow!

At the Heaven, 23h.

-Jeez there a lot of people tonight, wondered Jim looking around.

-It's New Year Eve darling, that was to be expected, said Freddie extremely delighted to be here.

-The music is already already breaking my ears, added his man. It smells of euphoria miles away.

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