Chapter 12 - Caught

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while...

Anyway, I decided to change it up a bit. Here's Kieron's POV :)


Kieron's POV

When we get up to leave the next day, my arm is killing me. Even after 12 hours of rest, it decides to haunt me. But on the upside, Sam's looking after me. I have to admit, I like Sam. Yes, as a friend, but possibly more. When I kissed her I felt sparks. Literally. But I just wish she would feel the same way about me. Oh well.

"Hey, Kieron. Snap out of your fantasy land. We're leaving." Sam's sweet voice echos through my head. I smile to my self.

Because I take too long, she grabs my hand and drags me out of the cave we've been staying in. I have to squint as the sun bares down on us. Then we start walking. To where? None of us has a clue. Just as long as it's away from them. I think you know who I mean.

With Daniel and Kayleth leading the way, Samatha and I get to walk next to each other. Yay! Oh God, I sound like a little girl on Christmas. Speaking of Christmas, it's only 7 days away. I glace at Sam. I don't even know what to get her. I can't really get her another one of my crappy handmade necklaces. Give me a break people, I have the hands of a giant.

"So..." I hear beside me.

"Hey, Sam?" I ask.


"Do you like me?" By the look on her face, I can tell she's hiding something. I pull to a stop and bend down to her level. "Tell me."

She breathes deeply. "I-I..."

"Hey slow-coaches! We've found something!" Daniel shouts good way infront of us. I share a look with Sam and we both sprint up the hill and stand, staring down on the giant building.

"That-" I start.

"Looks just like the ROSH building we just came out of." Sam finishes.

"Don't tell me we've been walking in circles for the whole day." Kayleth moans.

"I bloody hope not." The look on Daniel's face showed the frustration he was probably feeling.

Suddenly the bushes behind us rustle and a lot of men jump out. Before we have time to run, Sam and I are locked up. "RUN!" I shout at the other two. With a little hesitation, the sprint off in the direction we came from. With the soldiers too occupied with us, no one followed Daniel and Kayleth. I sighed in relief. At least they could rescue us.

I look over to see the horror on Sam's face. Usually, she's good at hiding her emotions, but I don't blame her now. I feel the same.

They inject us with a blue liquid. The last thing I see is Sam falling to the ground.


I wake up to darkness. The room is tiny, amde of metal, and has no light. In the dark, I can see Sam spralwed out in the middle of the cell. I rush over to her.

Sam, wake up. I hope if I say it in my head, there is more chance of her hearing. I rest her head on my lap and stroke her hair. The curls have gone and her hair is greasy and in need of a good wash. But I look at her face, her closed eyes and button nose. Her lips. Only if I could kiss them one more time. Maybe she would wake up.

I lean in and press my lips to hers. I feel the spark that was there last time. After a few seconds, she responds. Panicking, I break the kiss. Sam looks... dissapointed? Is shake it of. She doesn't like me, does she?

Sam shuffles around and I help her sit up properly. Together, we lean aginst one of the walls.

"That was... wierd." I say, not looking at her face.

"Yes." She stares right at me.

"Yes... what?"

A jingling noise interrupts our converstaion. I hear the key slip into the lock and the door swinging open. The sudden brightness of the room causes us both to close our eyes.

"Oi. Come 'ere, little 'ens!" A gruff voice echos through the cell. When we don't move, we get hoisted up by some very stong arms. All the while I keep my eyes closed, not because of the light, but in fear of where we are being dragged to. I hear Sam struggling beside me, so I reach out to touch her. When our skin makes contact, she immediatly shuts up.

After a few minutes of endless walking - for the men, not us - we're dragged into the room. Someone forces my eyes open.

I stare, helpless as someone straps Sam to a chair. I stare helpless, as someone walks in with multiple knives. I stare, helpless when I see Sam's eyes beg me to do something. Then I watch in horror as the man stabs her deep in the thigh.

Her cries echo around the room, probably heard throughout the whole building. When he grabs another knife, I start to struggle. Forgotten is the wound I suffered from earlier. All I care about now is helping her. Helping Samantha.

Hold on! I scream in my head.

I rip myself from the captors arms and sprint over to Sam. But before I can make it, I feel the worst pain ever. Sam screams, not from pain but from horror. I look and see that a knife was wedged between my shoulder blades. The last thing I remember is the look in Sam's eyes as I fall by her feet.

I'm sorry, Sam. Just remember that I love you.

I love you too. Is the last thing I hear. That's when darkess consumes me.


Dun Dun Duuuunnnnn!

Is he dead? Does Sam really love him? Tell me what you think about it all? Don't forget to correct me and my mistakes :)

Here's a question: Would you like to see more of other people POV's?Tell me! :)

 ~ Coggemm :)

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