2jin Truth or Dare ;

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I always adore someone inside our campus but we're totally different, I'm the social butterfly while her, she doesn't really care about things, students don't even initiate a conversation nor ask her to hang out, she will intently ignore someone who will approach her though she has a friend, in conclusion, she's an introvert.

We have different worlds, I like having more friends, hangouts during weekends, and party at events. I found her interesting when we got paired up during the last academic year, for almost a year I secretly like her, or else my friends will definitely disown me for liking a weird student.

It's Friday, that means I can't see her again tomorrow, it's a shame.

I saw her went inside our room, as usual, she's wearing her earphone to avoid social interaction. I immediately hid my phone when our teacher entered and started discussing some boring yet interesting topics.

Everything went normal as our normal routine during the school hours, breaktime, classes will resume again. I released a long sigh after realizing it's the last subject.

"We will be having a science fair this upcoming week, I will divide you, per group will contain three persons" gestured three, she started mentioning names.

'Please just this once' I hope that we're in the same group.

"Jinsoul, Jungeun, and will be the first group followed by Yena, Yuri and Kim Chaewon ..., Yuqi, Shuhua and Soojin" she continued diving the entire class.

"Lastly Heejin, Hyunjin, and Yeojin" I felt an excitement gearing up inside me but I remained natural.

"Please be sure to finish your works at the exact date, Don't worry I will be fair with your grades on your student portals" She dismissed the class.

The corridors went crowded as students left their respective rooms, "Yah, Jeon Heejin!"

"Oh Ryujin!" I saw her waiting for me outside.

"Are you done? Let's go to Luna's cafe" she excitedly suggested making her dimple appear under her eyes, it's kinda cute for me.

"Uhm, yeah but we're given a task, I'll just ask my group mates wait for me" Ryujin nodded.

I went back to ask Yeojin but she already left, I hesitated for a minute if I should approach her now or maybe tomorrow, Hyunjin is currently arranging her things. I was about to tap her shoulder but she turned around facing me.

"Uh, Hi high, H-Hyunjin could you?" I asked politely and gave her my phone to save her number thankfully she didn't complained.

"I'll just text you, d-don't worry I won't bother you!" I left her to avoid awkwardness.

I screamed inside of my head, finally I got her number! I linked my arms with Ryujin, she noticed my weird actions well who wouldn't react like this after getting the number of your favortie person right?

"Seems you're a bit happy, I mean you're excite over something care to share?"

"No, it's nothing I'm always like this aren't you used to it?" I smiled at her.

"Nevermind, let's go"



I got startled after Jeon Heejin approached me, she's blushing the entire time we're talking not literally chatting I wonder if she's somewhat sick or something but she asked for my number obviously for our project inventory.

It's been a long time since we we're in the same group, I know everything about her as much as possible I avoid her, she's famous I don't want to go around and hear about false rumor about me being obsessed weirdo. I'm famous for being bullied and introverted kid.

She quickly left me while arranging my belongings goodness it didn't last long, one of her friends is waiting for her.

I'm the last one to leave the school it's nearly evening, the blue canvas above me turned into dark hue, I went to an animal pet cafe to spent some hours since I don't have classes tomorrow, it's 8 so I headed to the terminal and waited for the train.

The train was filled by people going home, well it's rush hour i can't blame them, pushing and looking for good spot.

I saw Heejin in opposite direction where I am sitting,the train continues to gather passengers, I'm listening to music right now so it doesn't bother me if there are lot of people around me.

I took a glance infront of me, I noticed a man in his 20s sexually harassing a girl, I don't know if it's Heejin or the person beside her but she stared at me, she looks uncomfortable the man kept touching her thighs secretly.

I stood up from where I sit and went to her, I held her arm and let her sit on my place, before I leave the man I threatened him that I took a video of him, he was completely embarrassed and he panicked, I finally left him.

"Thank you" she said.

She's still sweating from nervousness despite of this cold weather. The train stopped at my destination where my dorm is.

"Is your house also at the next station?" I asked.

"No, i-its the other station"

"I'll take you home" I offered.

"N-no y-you don't have to" she stuttered, she doesn't want to have a debt? I thought.

"I'm anti social but I'm also human, I don't like girls being harassed by men" I justified my side.

"You're also a girl you can't protect me" she's worried I guess.

"No, I insist, I won't volunteer if I can't"

We arrived at her house, I was going to leave but she held my arm.

"It's late, are you sure you can go home safely?" She asked.

"Yeah, I can handle myself" I turned myself around and started to walk

"You can stay! It's already late in the evening" She shouted.

"It's weekend perhaps, you can stay, we can brainstorm some ideas right?" I insisted.

I stopped from my tracks and having some thoughts whether to stay or not, it'll be hassle for me to chat them though, yet I'm gonna stay with a person ain't even close to me. What should I do?



Is this really happening? Am I dreaming or what? Can someone slap me and turn these into reality, scratch that, I love this!

Kim Hyunjin will sleep with me, inside my dorm, only her with me. Stop with your gays thoughts Jeon Heejin.

I persuaded her, since she doesn't like to chat on phone she even barely respond on our teachers' messages

"You can sleep in my room and I'll just sleep here at the living room" I suggested.

"No, I'm good in here" sitting comfortably

"I insist"

"I can spare you some clothes and other personal accessories I have extra of those  wait I'll just get them feel free to roam around!" I quickly headed inside my room and find some comfy clothes, I still haven't seen her wearing casual clothes.

"Hyunjin? Which one?" I showed her some oversized loose shirts and normal tees.

She chose the oversized with sweat pants and directly headed to the bathroom.

She's really a quiet person, I'm still shocked about what happened earlier, I didn't know she has these kind of sides too, if I were a complete stranger I would definitely think she ate something rotten.

I'm still wearing my uniform, so I decided to change inside my room.

Too long had to separate, anyway first loona one shot.

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