Ch.2 □ Telepathically

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And she loved talking with him even thou she had nothing to say. The randomality of a phone call might have made a string or two pop.

*Phone rings*

I put my pen down and take my cup of tea in hand reaching for my phone - I instantly smile, only on the inside. I am not that crazy, answering the phone call "It's crazy how my subconscious is linked to you, I was just thinking about you"

"Oh! lovely" he laughs; Making me giggle. "What you up to?"

"Nothing much working on some assignments," I replied,

"Good, On the mention of assignments, wanna help me out with mine?"

"No!" I sighed.

"Woah! that was fast you did not even think for a moment." He laughed, false hurt tone, I tend to fall into everytime, on.

"It's just that I am tired and cold and sick, more assignments is the last thing I need right now." I state in defense.

"Point made, anyway; how's your book going?"

"Ahg," I groaned. "It's not a book! it's more like scripts; there's a difference. I am just putting little bits into one place that's a book of scripts."

"Yeah, whatever; how's that."

"Hmm, well I am having a writer's block. And I am kinda stuck at some point." I stopped not wanting to start a rant. "I am happy you remember thou,"

"Of course, You're underestimating my capabilities. I am actually a human being who listens and cares no matter how made hard to belive that is." I listen a smile playing on lips - on alot of occasions I tend to forgo his existence.

"Still I think you're an angel from hell" I giggled.

"Back with the monsterous theories I like too much," a smirk propably playing on his lips.

"Back to my writer's block? help on that?"

"How would I know? you came to a hopeless desperate soul from hell for inspiration?"

"Just what makes you a perfect candidate - for my study" I chuckled, referring on how he's alreday in a mental institution I'd in-rolled him in, all of my making.

"Oh God! If they only knew the shit you put me throw" He joked.

"Rhyming again! Are you rolling your eyes at me?" I asked, no for play.

"Using my lines against me M" he laughs.

"Inspire! so you'd retire" I gave him a moment to applause me for my usage of applicable terms - which is my fancy way of saying that rhymed yet again!

but an idiot will always be an idiot.

"I have no idea why being an inspiration is such a hard job for you! you had one Job - one job only." I told him, making him chuckle.

"You'll figure it out, Have sex or something. All the inspiration loops will open for you." He said, none challently making me laugh.

"On a serious side note, with my parents out of the picture I thought with less people haunting my every mistake I'd actually get the ability to go out make mistakes - fall in love maybe,"

"Yeah, you strike me as an idiot who wants to fall in love." he says, tone more significant. I twirl my tongue, unable to reply.

"And yet, I doubt I'm even capable of loving someone let alone fall in love." I said looking at the ceiling playing with my fingers.
"I am just distant to observe it some times."

"Hey, you don't have to worry about it."

"Yes I do, the fact that I haven't been able to fully let my guard down with someone - makes one incapable?"

"No its doesn't. It's not bad at all that you're actually weighing your options."

"Weighing my options?! God I love how you put up things nicely" I laughed, genuinely being reminded why I might have fallen in love first place.

"That's Mr. X for you kid," he rasps out.

I smile having nothing more to add.

"How's your day anyway,"

"Same old shit, nothing much, But you're a total retard you never ask." he pointed back at me.

"You know, one of life's hardest struggles is when you really want to text someone but you don't want to be annoying." I uttered, a small smile playing on my lips.

"How do you manage to turn everything poetic," he muttered.

"I heard that, and hmm. is that a bad thing?" I asked.

for a moment I was hoping he was smiling, thinking of a way to hit me up with flattery. Yet, I was utterly drawn to the way he saw things - on too many levels different.

I held my notebook, scribing down a lyric I felt too much...

And I didn't know how to tell you how I really feel - I don't ever tell you how I really feel cause I cant find the words. and I'd still be a fool.

I smiled at the irony, "Nothing about you is bad M - you're intresting just enough. You need to be sure of that all the time."

I was silent for a moment, "Really,"

it was his turn now to stay calm then answer, "You know that,"

"Hmm I just needed a reminder."
I ended the conversation shortly after, hoping I haven't let too much on.
How could my heart be so open to him like that, I alot of the time doubt of I like the way I feel around him or do I like him.

Let's analyse the facts here, what changed? hmm a piece of how I dress is for him? well that's surly a huge compliment. Damn this boi and the things I do for him, I chuckle to myself. I honestly felt the need to at some point make it up to him somehow, he's been suffering with my choices.

Maybe I miscalculated this, so I recalled him. "Hey,"

"M, how are you?"

I giggled, "I am good, nothing happned in the last 5 minutes my life isn't as exciting as yours my lord."

"Bla bla bla, Always with killing my vibs M"

"I wanted to ask, Hmm are you coming to uni on Tuesday?"

"Yeah, coming Tomorrow tomorrow too. You?"

"Yeah me too all week this week - but I'll be busy with a bunch of stuff tmorrow."

"Wow you can't put up a bit of time for me afterwards, one day you'll realise how a very choice that was." He wrned.

"Hmm. all the time you need, win on me?" I told him.

"My place is at your disposal babe,"

"You don't have to," I started to say something sentimental before he stopped me shutting me up.

"What time?" He asked.

"At 5 I'll be done"

"Pick you up then,"

We said our goodbyes; and that was my que to mush until I see him in an approximate of ... 18 hours time.

I begin working on my assignments as well, until it was bed time which is when I lack the ability to continue working.

as I was getting ready to, my door bell rang putting me in that alert mode not expecting anyone...

Hello beautiful readers, Thanks alottt to every single one of you for the Amazing support.

Here's it!! exciting And get ready for a big revel next Chapter. 😆

24th of March, 2020 @ 7:14 AM
my kinda heaven

Mimi 😊

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