Ch.3 □ Fathom

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What you have might never last, but it's okay to keep rewinding the moment. Yet maybe if I develop feelings me might actually leave!

It was already six in the evening - I put my hoodie back on as I walked to the door not expecting much - looking through the peephole. I opened the door perplexed "We're back bitches!" my siblings shouted at me. "What? Why are you guys back so early?"

"You seem confused kiddo - did you have plans?" my brother asked playing Sherlock on me. I rolled my eyes "I missed you," my sister coed bring out the 'u' her tone dramatic. I groaned laughing, trying to escape her embrace "okay we established that," I said, trying to escape her tight grip - she grinned finally letting go of me.

"What happened?" I asked taking a seat.

"We got Mecdonlads!" Daniel shouted dramatically, something they both share the drama of everything they basically say. I looked his way excited, nevertheless; forgetting about sleep. I hadn't cooked anything today, and I could use some food. We sat down having our meals - "Uncle Jake had to leave for some type of surprise work trip and we were in no way going to babysitting the kids" they both made clear.

I nodded listening to their adventures on the way home, "it was a long 3-hour trip" Lili gestured going all Mamacita on me.

I smiled as Daniel my 13-year-old brother continued to tell me what happened on their short notice 5 days vacation. Shortly Lilian and I Skyeped mom and dad informing them about the change of plans.

As Daniel and Lilian continued to talk to dad about their trip - I listened not engaging in the conversation. Taking a moment to analyse my life, this is my 2nd year of college. I in a way hated living outside Milan where I basically spent all my childhood and teenage life - however this needed to happen. Travelling to the U.S for university seemed like the most applicable thing to do.

I was living alone in my 1st college year - then Daniel and Lilian joined on my 2nd Dani wanted something for a change and Lili had gotten into Mechanical Engineering school for her first year.

My dad's family has been living here for quite some time so dad was partially okay with the idea. As soon as I got my scholarship in NYC he had no say in it.

I had delayed two years before, waiting for the best college opportunity - was not planning on postponing any more years - and NYC came just in time.

I had gotten lost in a trance of mine, ignoring the voices around me until I heard mom calling my name. 'get some sleep sweetheart,"

"yeah, I was about to when they came"

Daniel shortly took off to the balcony talking to dad alone - both Lilian and I went to our rooms after chatting a little bit about her stay at our uncle's and our plans for tomorrow.

"No, long day tomorrow," I told her

"This is my nth time asking you to come shopping with me" Lilly warned.

"You have the worst timing!" I defended

"Fine - but please make space for my poor shopping day in your so busy schedule" she joked.

I giggled promising that I will - soon. She was still not familiar with the area and always had the poorest judgement on items and prices.

I woke up to my not so annoying alarm - taking a moment to remind myself of my surroundings and plans.

Both my siblings were still asleep by the time I was ready to leave, I tried waking Daniel up for school with no luck. I decided to hit the road not to be late as I already had too many things to do before going to school myself one of which be printing out a bunch of assignments to submit.

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