Mammon x Fem!Mc [Screensaver ❤️📱]

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Mc was bored like so bored and it was late at night too so no one can cure her boredom.She then got an idea she grabbed her phone off the charger and walked out her room heading for Mammon's.when she finally got there she open his door looked in then she shut it petrified.
"WTF" was all that was racing through her head how is your room so dirty it looks scary but ether way she was going to get that picture.

She opened the door again then stepped inside shutting it close behind her she then tipped toe past all his clothes and empty ramen bowls to his bed. He looks so pretty when he sleeps she open her phone and went to her camera she then took a picture of his face while he was asleep. "Aw he's so cute sleep like a little puppy" she said setting the picture to her home screen "this is screensaver material" she stated proudly to herself. Then as she began to walk away she felt a tug on her Night gown "he-hey you can't just take pictures of the great Mammon while he's vulnerable" he said blushing "as punishment you have to lay here with me not because I want you to but because you need a punishment" he chuckled nervously.He then pulled her down onto his chest covering her with a blanket so she won't be cold "so warm"Mc mumbled into his chest Mammon smiled then kissed her head.

This is what you get for messing with the
Great Mammon
Sleep well Mc

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