Little!Mc adventures [Messy]

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(Okay I'm starting A series of little Mc Adventures this is Kid!Mc the seven brothers are watching over Diavolo little sister while he's away so enjoy "Messy" all this is not a romance series she is a child)

Mc woke up thirsty she would have called her big brother Diavolo but he was away busy.She hopped out of her bed and headed for the door she was careful not to make noise in worry of waking the 7 brothers up.It's not like she's scared of them she loves all of them it's just that she's not supposed to be up.
Quickly as her little feet can carry her she headed downstairs without making a sound.

" the Close is clear"she mumbled to her self not trying to make noise she got to the kitchen and opened the fridge and saw stuff better than juice "yummy"she thought in her head.Mc took a handful of cake and stuffed her mouth making a mess on her hands and face "mmmm so sweet"she giggled to her self reaching for the juice now,but...she couldn't reach it was to high for her little body.Mc stood there puzzled questioning what is she going to do.
Then it hit her she walked over to the chair and dragged it over to the refrigerator with her Cakey hands and she climbed on top.BAM!
Her messy little hand made the juice fall on the ground making a bigger mess. "Oh no i m-made a b-bigger mess!" She said climbing down in tears.

Luckily the brothers heard the loud bang even the sleepiest one they came running down to and say Little Mc crying hysterically.Lucifer the the first to rush over and pick her despite her being messy
"Mc what happened"Lucy said calmly "don't be mad I'm sorry"she managed to choke out "Aw silly Mc-Chan we're not mad"Asmo said booping(?) her nose.Mc giggled "see there's put happy Mc"Satan chimed in smiling at her reaction "I was thirsty and I got distracted and made a mess" Mc muttered getting sad again and looking at the ground. " you could have asked the great Mammon I'm always here" "sadly"belphie snickered earning a glare from Mammon which only made him stick his tongue out at him.Mc giggled again which turned into a full fit of laughter
They was glad that she was happy again and couldn't help but smile,And with the mess they made Mammon cleaned it up while Levi went to play games with her since she can no longer sleep.

I'm glad your happy our sweet Mc~

Something's wrong what can it be?
It's a sad neglected cake with no one to finish eating it.
No,Beel ate it case solved now everyone is happy:)

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