"I just wanted your attention " Levi x male!SemeReader

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(I'm giving some love to the male readers in this book)(should I start using Y/N)

I stare at my otaku boyfriend as he munches on some chips he managed to find uneaten in the fridge.
You see right now I should be staring at him with a smile across my face thinking about how cute he is, but no he missed our date for the fifth time because a new episode on the anime he likes came out. At first, I thought it was cute seeing how bright and happy his face was when he saw a new episode came out, but as it started to get constant is when I started to get pissed.
He's at the point where he won't sleep, eat,or even talk to me I'm worried but also extremely mad. I've decided two can play at this game I'm not going to wait in his room for him to acknowledge I'm here then expect me to stay there and cuddle him!

I stood up from where I was sitting and walked to the door;part of me wanted to stay for those pity cuddles and the other is through.
My hand glazed the door knob and I turned my head toward him,"Ugh forget it he's too engrossed in that anime" I mumbled.

I left quietly shutting the door behind me.
Well, now that I'm not spending half of my time doing nothing I can ask Satan about that book I wanted to read.


I gently knock on the door I hear some shuffling and then the door opened "hey Mc, what are you doing here. I thought you would be at Levi's room", he spoke. I sighed
"Oh no I just wanted fresh air I don't like being kept in one place for to long", I replied. I quickly spoke again "soooo...do you have that book you wanted me to read"
"Oh yes come in!"


I groaned as the episode came to an end "Normie I want cuddles", I commanded. I waited for a response "Mc?" I turned my head to see he's gone, why didn't he tell me he was leaving?

How did I not know he was leaving?
I quickly left my room thinking of the most horrible scenarios in my head,
What if he's tired of me,and wants to break up ?!?!
I search the house all over well...the places Lucifer would let me look.
I passed Satan's room and hear laughter not just any laughter my normie's laughter. I bust the door open and saw Satan and Mc reading a book together.

I began to go into fit of rage "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!", I shouted. Mc ran up to me before I can turn into my demon form, and he whispered in my ear,"don't do this let's just go back to your room, and we'll talk".

I grunted and glared at Satan before waiting outside his door after a minute Mc came out with a book.
We walk a quiet walk to my room and I didn't like all this tension!

What if he was getting together with Satan?

What if he's cheating on me with my own brother?

My heart began to clench as I walk,and the air began to feel stuffy all I felt was envy luckily we made it to my room, so I can sit down.
He sat next to me if you really want to know I was really bored and you missed like 5 of our dates I planed them just for you just to go to waste".

My lip quivered does he hate me I bite down on my lip to stop me from crying but it didn't work and tears started to fall "don't breakup with me I'm sorry I'll do better don't leave me for Satan".

I lunged out at him hugging his waist putting my face in the crook of his neck
"Aw babe no I'm not breaking up with I'll never do that I just want you to pay attention to me"
I felt him rub circles on my back I smile into in his neck feeling better already
I kiss his neck "okay I'll try"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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