One ~ Rules Of Courtship

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Anne and Gilbert headed immediately to Green Gables to share the happy news. When they

arrived, they found the Cuthberts had company, a certain town-gossip, Mrs. Rachel Lynde. If they told her the news, they could be certain that tomorrow morning –if not in a few hours- every person in Avonlea would know they're courting. They arrived arm-in-arm to Green Gables just in time for the afternoon tea.

"Hello?" Anne said, coming through the kitchen's door, "I'm home!"

"We're in the parlor, Anne" Marilla responded.

"I have great news" Anne shrieked, going to the parlor with her arm still attached to Gilbert's. "Gil and I tied for first in the exams!"

"Well, done! We're so proud of you" Marilla said.

"I didn't expect less from any of you two" Matthew added with a smile.

"Congratulations!" Rachel said.

"Thank you" They responded in unison.

"We have something else to tell you," Anne said and looked at Gilbert, he smiled at her.

He squeezed her arm, "I asked her if she wanted to start courting"

"And I said yes!" she blushed.

"Courting?!" Rachel gasped "How wonderful! Another young couple in Avonlea!"

"We're so happy for you two!" Marilla said and Matthew nodded in agreement.

"Oh, this is great," Rachel said, "Matthew, Gilbert. If you'll excuse us, I have some things to talk about to our dear Anne"

Gilbert looked at Anne, seeing the worried look on her face, he gave her a reassuring smile, "It's going to be alright" he whispered and she nodded. "I should get going," Gilbert said, "I have to tell Sebastian and Mary the happy news. Good afternoon" he nodded.

"I should go to the barn," Matthew said. And with that, Anne was left alone in the parlor with Marilla and Rachel.

"Anne, come sit please," Rachel said and she obliged, "You have to know they're certain rules to this period your starting in your life, courtship. You must follow these rules, if you don't, you'll ruin your reputation and your family's reputation as well" she started, "First rule, no physical contact can occur during courtship, the only exception to this rule is that the couple is walking on a bumpy road and the gentleman extended his hand to help steady the woman"

"No physical contact?" Anne gasped, "None at all?" Rachel shook his head, "What if I want to hold his hand? Or to caress his cheek? Or to get one of those wild curls of his off of his face? Can't I do that?"

"No, you cannot. Rule number two, a woman can never be alone with a gentleman, a chaperone must be present at all times, supervising meetings and time spent together" Rachel continued.

"A chaperone?" Anne gasped, "At all times? What if I want to talk to him about something private? If I wanted to talk about our feelings or our future? Can't we do that Mrs. Lynde?"

"You can, the chaperone would be a few meters away to give you enough privacy" she responded, "Rule number three, the couple can spend time together in social events"

"That's good, at least" Anne sighed, "No chaperone needed, right?"

"No, dear. When you two are in a social event, there are a lot of people surrounding you, there's no need for a chaperone" Rachel responded, "That's all the rules regarding the courtship period. There are two more rules regarding the engagement period" she explained, "but that is a talk for another time, hopefully not a long time" she smirked.

"Oh, please, Mrs. Lynde! You cannot leave me here like this, you shouldn't have told me about those other rules if you weren't planning on telling them!" Anne begged.

"Anne!" Marilla gasped.

"I'm sorry, Marilla. I'm just curious!"

"It's alright, child. I'll tell you, so you can prepare yourself for the next period of courtship. Knowing you two, I can say I'm pretty sure that Blythe boy won't lose any time and he'll ask you to marry him just this week if he could" Anne blushed, "So you better be prepared. Rule number four, an engaged couple is allowed to hold hands and take unchaperoned walks and carriage rides"

"Oh, how wonderful!" Anne exclaimed, not even trying to hide her smile.

"Calm down, child. You two are still courting, no hand-holding or unchaperoned anything just yet" she reminded her, "Rule number six, an engaged couple is allowed to spend time together in a private parlor or sitting room, but the gentleman has to leave before dark. Any deviations from these rules could ruin your reputation beyond repair" Rachel warned.

Anne swallowed the lump on her throat, "Any deviations?"

"Any, Anne. I'm completely serious, you know how the people in this town are, how they treated that poor Andrews girl after everything that happened with your former teacher. You're lucky you have me by your side, I can help you with all these things regarding courtship, I'm quite the matchmaker myself. I always knew you and Gilbert Blythe would end up together" she smiled.

'Apparently every single person in this island knew about Gilbert and me, minus us', she thought.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to let Avonlea know about our new official couple!" Rachel said excitedly, "Remember the rules, Anne! Good afternoon"

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