Three ~ Rachel Lynde Is Furious

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During dinner, Anne and Gilbert sat down next to each other as usual. Gilbert looked tense, the events at the church, he felt like he had gotten her in trouble –which he did, but they did not know that yet- Anne grabbed his hand under the table, the gesture made him choke on his food, making her quickly drop his hand to help him.

"Are you alright, Gil?" Anne asked.

"Yes, love" Gilbert responded, tenderness in his eyes.


Gilbert had never called her that before, she liked it. Anne couldn't hide the blush on her cheeks when she remembered he had called her 'Love' in front of both of their families.

"Ah! Poor Gilby doesn't even remember how to eat when he's around you, Queen Anne!" Bash teased.

On Monday morning, an infuriated Rachel Lynde was walking to Green Gables at a rather fast pace for a lady her age. Marilla was washing the dirty dishes from breakfast when she saw her old school friend coming through the gate, her fast walking and the expression on her face was a warning for Marilla, she had known Rachel Lynde for many years and every time Rachel was coming to her like that it meant she had rather vexing news or was coming to scold her, or Anne. Rachel did not even have to knock, Marilla quickly went to the door to open the door for her before she could.

"Good morning, Rachel" Marilla greeted, "It seems that something is troubling you"

"Morning, Marilla" Mrs. Lynde greeted back, "As a matter of a fact yes, I would like to speak to your Anne please"

"Well, of course" the lady went upstairs to look for her daughter, coming not many minutes later with her downstairs.

"Good morning, Mrs. Lynde" Anne smiled, clearly unaware of what was coming.

"Good morning, Anne" she responded firmly, "I would like to speak to you, please sit down" she gestured with her hand to the seat next to her, "I thought I was being clear, child. Saturday morning, when I was telling you the rules, I thought I had made myself clear"

"Mrs. Ly-"

"Pa pa pa" She interrupted, putting her hand up to stop her "Don't lie to me, I saw you with my own eyes. I'm not going to say anything about him holding your hand to help you down the buggy, but grabbing your arm in front of God's eyes inside the church is something I will not condone, and even less that hand-holding moment you had outside the church where everyone could see you" she crossed her arms, "I know it's difficult- wanting to touch your lover and not being allowed to, but you have to understand, Anne. This is a little town, news travel fast, and if you keep behaving like that I wouldn't be surprised to hear something like 'That orphan girl corrupting that poor Blythe boy, what spell did she cast on him to make him fall in love with her'." Rachel Lynde explained, "You have to follow the rules to keep safe your reputation, you know how it is for us women, were always the one to blame and not men, so we have to try and not give anyone a single opportunity to judge us"

"Has someone said that?" Marilla cut in.

"Said what?" she looked at her friend.

"Has someone said Anne casted a spell on Gilbert?" Rachel Lynde looked away, not wanting to meet her friend's eyes. The people in Avonlea have in fact started talking about the new couple, most of the words, sadly, were not the nicest. What Rachel Lynde said was something she heard the day before outside the church before the service started; Mrs. Andrews was telling her husband the news about the newest young couple in Avonlea, she specifically referred to them as 'Orphan Girl' and 'That Good Blythe Boy'. The tone in the woman's voice disgusted Mrs. Lynde. Not after that, The Cuthberts arrived which followed by Gilbert practically running to help Anne out of the buggy, his actions led to another comment from the woman 'She must have cast a spell on him. The poor boy is almost drooling, dazed at the sight of her. What else would make you look at someone like that?' to which her husband only responded saying 'Love' comment that was responded by a scoff coming from his wife. Rachel Lynde's heart sank, all she could think of is what the poor couple might think if they heard these things, she didn't want Anne and Gilbert to know, but now she had let the family of the girl know in just a quick slip of the tongue. She could not understand how these people were saying these things, had they not seen that Gilbert Blythe has always looked at Anne with eyes full of love? She most certainly noticed before, the boy was not very discrete. "Rachel! Look at me. Has someone said those things about them?"

"I'm sorry, Marilla, I heard Mrs. Andrews talking with her husband before church" Anne gasped, trying to get air in her lungs, the girl had been crying quietly, but she couldn't contain it anymore.

"We have to stop these rumors, they're not true. Gilbert Blythe has been in love with my Anne since he first met her, it was so obvious in his eyes, and Anne is not a witch or any of those things" Marilla was clearly upset, she quickly went to her daughter and hugged her.

"Anne, dear" Rachel got closer to them, "Don't let the rumors get to you, don't let them in your head. Show them you're better than them, every time you see them, raise your chin and smile to Gilbert, if he's next to you, show them what you two have is real. I want to tell you that the rumors don't matter, I really want to, but I can't. People talk in this town, and I know I've told you this a lot, but you need to understand, dear. They are talking already, it wasn't what I thought they would say when the town saw you with Gilbert. It's a rumor, and a bad one, a terribly bad one, it doesn't even have a logical explanation, and that's why people will forget about it soon. I'm sure they will, so let's not give them something more to talk about... follow the rules and everything will be fine"

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