Six ~ I Love You

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“Hey, carrots!”

“I’m not talking to you. I don’t like you”


“I’m glad I could help!”

“I didn’t need your help. I don’t need you!”


“Oh, I do. Is amazing what someone can do for love isn’t it?” she hummed in response, “if we ever where in a situation like that, would you be like Penelope?”

 “We’re not married”

“Uh, yes. I’m sorry I shouldn’t-”

“Yes, you shouldn’t have said anything. You’ve ruined everything”


 “Is everything alright, love?”

“No! get away from me”


“Promise you won’t leave me too, Anne. I can’t bear losing you too, you mean too much to me, daisy”

“I can’t promise you that, Gilbert. We can’t control life. If it was my choice, I would leave you right now, Gilbert”


“I Love You”

“You’re pathetic”


“Gilbert! Gilbert” Gilbert felt someone shaking him, “Wake up, Gilbert! Wake up!”

“Stop, stop, stop, stop” his voice was lowering as he slowly woke up.

“Blythe, are you alright?” Bash asked, “You were having a nightmare”

Gilbert started crying.

“Hey, hey, hey” Bash sat next to him on the bed, helping him sit up as well “It’s ok-” Gilbert is already burrowing his face into Bash’s chest and wrapping his arms around his torso before he could finish the sentence “Was it that bad?” he hiccups and sobs in his chest, “Do you wanna talk about it?” the boy shook his head, his tears socking his brother’s shirt, “It’s alright, brother. Let it all out, it’s alright” Bash tightens his hold on him, moving his hand up and down his back to calm him down, “Whatever it is, it’s going to be alright”

“She-“ Gilbert tries to say, sniffing “She doesn’t love me”

“Who, brother?”

Gilbert backed away to look at his brother, “Anne”

Bash laughed a little, not being able to contain it, “I’m sorry, Blythe. What gave you that idea?”

“She did” Gilbert sniffed.

“Did she tell you that she didn’t love you?” Gilbert shook his head, “Then what did she say?”


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