Two ~ Rule Number One

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“First rule, no physical contact can occur during courtship, the only exception to this rule is that the couple is walking on a bumpy road and the gentleman extended his hand to help steady the woman”

It was official; Gilbert John Blythe and Anne Cordelia Shirley-Cuthbert were courting. They were an official young couple in the eyes of Avonlea, but in reality they were still children, they were still a couple of best friends who decided to take another step in their relationship and love each other in more than just a friendly way.

Every single person in Avonlea knew about their courtship, all that thanks to Mrs. Rachel Lynde. She made sure every young man and women knew that Anne and Gilbert were courting; she knew very well Gilbert Blythe had almost every young female head over heels for him and that a boy named Charlie Sloane had the intention to court Anne, therefore she had to let everyone know that now these two were off-limits, Gilbert and Anne are now each other’s. Rachel Lynde has been a faithful follower of these two’s relationship and she’d been waiting for them to come together for years.

The following morning after they announced their courtship to their families, Anne woke up and went directly to her mirror. Red hair, freckles. It hasn’t changed, her physical appearance, but she felt different on the inside, she felt like a new person. She got ready for the day and went downstairs to have breakfast.

It was Sunday, church day. After breakfast, The Cuthberts got ready and headed to church, Anne was nervous, this was the first time she was going to be seen in public as Gilbert Blythe’s intendant. At the Blythe-Lacroix household, the one and only Gilbert Blythe was also nervous, this was the first time he was going to be seen in public as Anne Shirley’s intendant.

Oh, god. What is everyone going to think? Their classmates already saw them together at the party, but they were just dancing… Now, everyone knew they were officially courting. They were expected to be this educated and mature couple, which any of them were, they were just Anne and Gilbert, best friends, former enemies –according to Anne-, family friends, classmates, and now, a couple.

“Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert” Gilbert greeted them, while they were coming down the buggy, “Good morning, Anne” he smiled, Anne smiled back, greeting him.

“Good morning, Gilbert” Marilla responded, and Matthew just nodded.

“Here, let me help you” Gilbert said, offering his hand to help Anne come down the buggy.

She took it and smiled, “Thank you, Gil”

“Anytime, daisy” he whispered to her ear, “Come on, let’s go inside”

The sermon was really boring; Anne could not concentrate on whatever the minister was saying. She started daydreaming, apparently she was being very obvious because Gilbert, who was sitting next to her, grabbed her arm and squeezed it, and “Wake up, carrots” he whispered trying to hold his laughter.

“Great sermon today, wasn’t it, Anne?” Gilbert teased, when they were outside the church, standing next to each other.

“Great sermon today, wasn’t it?” Anne mocked him, making him laugh. “Aren’t you so funny?” she rolled her eyes, chuckling.

“The funniest” he held her hand.

Rachel Lynde cleared her throat, making Anne quickly pull her hand away from Gilbert’s. She saw the confusion on his face and whispered, “First rule, no physical contact can occur during courtship”, he nodded and took a step back.

“I’m sorry” He said, now aware of the intense gaze Mrs. Lynda had on them.

“It’s ok, I’m trying to get used to it too” she looked down at her feet, “I guess I been wanting to hold you close for so long I- we just- only had a few weeks to do that without any boundaries”

“I’d try taking your chin to make you look up but we’ll be breaking that ‘no touching’ rule for the thousand time today” she let out a soft chuckle.

“Well, Gilbert. Would you like to come for dinner tonight? The invitation goes to your family as well of course” Marilla greeted, once she approached the couple, “I think we should celebrate the news as a family”

“Thank you, Marilla. We’d be pleased to attend. Is there anything you would like us to bring?” Gilbert offered.

“Well, I must admit I wouldn’t be mad if you could bring us some of those delicious apples of yours”

“Apples” Gilbert smiled, “Of course”

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