Seven ~ Rule Number Three

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TRIGGER WARNING: The following chapter contains descriptions of sexual harassment and assault. If you feel uncomfortable with these kinds of situations I suggest you skip the following three chapters (Chapters 7, 8 and 9). The actual act will be described in this chapter, the two followings will be the aftermath.

Please, tell someone if you're going to a situation like this. Remember you own your body and no one can tell you otherwise.


“Rule number three, the couple can spend time together in social events”

It was Christmas time in Avonlea; The Barrys were hosting a Winter Ball at their house. The Ball was an excuse to present their daughters to society, Minnie May was still young, but Diana was in a perfect age to get married, or at least engaged until she finished her studies at Queens. Many young men and women were coming to the Ball, many of who Anne and Diana had met in the last three months they spent at Queens. A few gentlemen had taken notice of Diana, but none of them had actually started anything with her.

Anne had been the center of attention to some young gentlemen too, much to Gilbert’s dislike. Both, Anne and Gilbert, had made very clear their courtship to all their classmates, this fact to these so-called “gentlemen” was not a problem, one of them specifically was making very clear to their other classmates his intentions to court Anne. Gilbert tried his best to behave every time this man was around, Anne reassured him –multiple times- she only had eyes for him. Anne was too nice to mistreat this man, she had learned to control her temper since the Gilbert incident and also, he had not done anything to her or Gilbert besides speaking his intentions –which was enough for Gilbert, but Anne would not listen-.

“Hello, Anne. Gilbert” Josie Pye greeted, coming to them, her arm linked to Billy Andrews. They were the new young couple in Avonlea, this match was even less surprising than Anne and Gilbert.

“I’m officially courting Billy” Josie said.

“Don’t remind me” Jane groaned making their friends laugh. They were all sitting at the garden outside Mrs. Blackmore’s Boarding House.

“Who would have thought? Two of the most horrible people in Avonlea courting, what a surprise!” Anne said, low enough so that only Gilbert and Diana could hear her.

“Good evening,” Gilbert said at the same time Anne said “Hello”

“What a pair” Billy said in Josie’s ear, making her laugh. Much to Billy’s care, the young couple heard him, sharing a knowing look.

“So, Billy. I haven’t seen you in a while, how are you doing, buddy?” Gilbert smiled sarcastically.

“Good, I’m studying to take over my father’s business in a few years. What about you?” Billy responded.

“Well, I’ve recently applied for a scholarship, The Avery. Actually, both Anne and I have; we’re hoping one of us gets it” He smiles down at her, she smiles back.

“Yes, I heard. Josi-” Josie nudged him slightly to shut him, he clears his throat before he continues, “Anyway, I must say, Anne, that I’m impressed, congratulations” Billy looked at Josie, who smiled.

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