The beginning

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N'diyah POV:

"Pooh wake up mommy needs a few dollars."

My crackhead mother Lisa said. Scratching and sniffing while she stood in front of me.

"Lisa Ian got no money today I done spent it on food, I had to pay bills and with what I had left over I spent on Luxe." I said as I started to get out of my bed.

"Come on baby I know you at least got a dollar." She said looking like she really needed it.

"Ma how you let yourself fall apart?" I asked in my low soft voice.

"DO YOU HAVE IT OR NOT DAMNIT!" She yelled causing me to jump.

I went into my top drawer and got her two dollars out. I know y'all wondering why am I giving her money for drugs? Honestly I don't know I pray every night that she'll get better and realize that she's hurting her children but shit just go out the window. Ian giving up on her tho I love my momma on drugs or not she's always gonna be my mom.

"Thanks baby I love you. I might come back tonight."

I rolled my eyes knowing damn well she won't be back tonight. As y'all can see ion really talk much cause there's nothing to say and really nobody to talk to considering I don't have any friends only person I got is my little sister Luxe really.

When I was about twelve going on thirteen my mom and dad had got an divorce for what reason? I don't know they never said and my dad disappeared with no words left other than "I love you babygirl and I'm sorry" I use to think "what is he sorry for?" And still never got my answer and when my dad left my momma started smoking, drinking, not coming home some nights but then when I hit fifteen it got worst. I'll see her passed out on the living room floor with a needle stuck in her arm, or she'll be sniffing that stuff, some nights she'll do it all at once smoke, drink, sniff anything to "make her feel better" so she say. When Luxe came I was excited but I raised her myself she thinks I'm her mother which is sad. When my momma came home she handed me Luxe and left I was so confused on how to raise a baby but I got a hang of it. Since my dad left I've just been a quiet girl I hear people in school saying "is she deaf?" "She's mute" "why doesn't she talk" "shorty mad weird" I just put the bullshit ass comments to the side and do what I gotta do and leave the damn school.

Right now I was give Luxe a bath and put on her clothes.

"Mommy can I wear my hair in a bun like you wear yours?" She asked as I tied her shoes.

"Yeah baby." I sat her on the dresser and did her hair and even though she's my sister it damn sho feels like I'm her mother.

"Can we get breakfawts today?"

"Mmhm whatchu want?" I asked spraying her with vanilla perfume.

"Can we get McDonalds." That's one place she know how to pronounce correctly.

"Yep." After I finish getting her dress I got myself dress and we headed out to the car my dad left my mom surprisingly. I got Luxe strapped in and we drove out.

Once we got inside of McDonald's I went over to the counter and ordered Luxe and I food. As I was walking to fix Luxe a fruit punch and me a tea I get bumped. I look up to see Amira and her bestfriend Arianna. Ian really to fund of them I heard they were "hoes" and was well known around town pretty sure we all know why.

"Umm excuse me." I said softly grabbing Luxe so we can get our drinks and be gone Ian got time for no drama.

"Whatchu say?" Amira said I already knew she wanted to start something up and I'm not for it not this morning.

I just got our food and drinks and was finna head out until I was pushed to the floor and the drinks and food went everywhere. I was ruined.

"You otay mommy?" Luxe asked

"Yeah baby I'm fine." I said getting up going into McDonald's bathroom.

"Okay baby ima drop you off at school cause you're late and ima go change clothes ima pick you up from school."

"Don't be wate mommy."

"I won't I promise and we gonna go out to eat later okay?"


"Alright now lets go." I walked out of the bathroom and made eye contact with Amira and her bestfriend and they both busted out laughing until some dude told them to "shut the fuck up" and they did just that.

As I was walking out somebody stopped me.

"Aye I apologize for them bitches back there N'diyah right?" The dude asked

I nodded my head.

"Okay I see you don't talk much but I'm Zy."

I gave him a small smile.

"Ight well I'll see you around and again I apologize have a nice day lil one." He said to Luxe causing her to smile.

"Goodbye sir." She said

He chuckle and went back into McDonald's and I headed to Luxe school.

"Okay baby remember I'm coming to get you and we're going to go get food and then I have to go to work Okay?"

"Can I go to Mrs. Johnson howse when you go to work?"

"Of course baby now I'll see you later have a good day at school.

"I plway with my friend Miya bye mommy." She gave me a hug and I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

As I watched her as she skipped into her school hugging her favorite teacher. I'm glade she's happy.

Last period:

As I was sitting in class taking my English notes my phone buzz indicating that I had a text. I pulled out my phone and it was my manager Teresa saying I didn't have to come in today because she was going outta town. Honestly I was happy Ian gotta work two jobs today yeah I work at footlocker and a hair salon I make good money since I know how to braid, do sew ins, glue a lace down, whatever you want I can hook you up. Sometimes I do nails and makeup so much for a quiet girl huh.

As I'm walking to my car I'm texting my manager back telling her to have a "safe trip" until I hear somebody with a deep voice say "move bitch." And a girl laughing I kept walking not tryna be bothered with anybody.

My name is N'diyah Mitchell and I'm just getting started on what my life is about

TBC 💞😂

I hope y'all enjoy make sure you vote and comment on how you feel about the book so far. Sorry it's short I'm just tired chapter two tomorrow 🥰💞

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