18 // blush blush

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Yunho drove to the pet shelter, after declaring his goal for the day, leaving Jena in a blushing mess. His words got her thinking that it's a date. Yunho, on the other hand, feels a little bit stupid for saying that, he felt that he was implying for this to be one. Their busy thoughts left them to be silent on their way to the shelter.

The moment when Yunho parked his car, Jena jumped out of it almost as if she's on fire. Without waiting for the male, she made a beeline towards the entrance. "Welcome! Here for an adoption?" The receptionist lady greets Jena. "Uh, My name is Jena, and this is Yunho." She introduced themselves, "We called last week, saying that we want to volunteer here." Jena explained with Yunho nodding eagerly on the side.

The reception lady's eyes lights up, something clicking together. "Oh! I remember, please follow me." She got out from behind the desk and entered a door. Jena could tell that it's an office just by looking at the layout of the room, papers pasted and scattered everywhere, the smell of coffee through the air. "This is your supervisor for today," The lady stops at a desk, the both of them not being able to see who's behind it as papers stacked so high it covers the man in question, "Yunho, Jena, let me introduce you to Ms. Park, she is our person in charge here." A tall young woman stood and smiled brightly. "Hello! My name is Park Sooyoung, everybody just calls me Joy though." She extended an arm towards the both of them.

Jena took the hand politely and shook it, introducing herself, "My name is Shin Jena, but Jena will do." She gave Joy a small smile, the latter's bright aura dominating the space. "I'm Yunho." He said shortly. Joy emerged from behind her desk and motioned for the both of them to follow her. She is wearing a white lab coat, the pet shelter's logo embroidered on the right side of the arm sleeve. "This, is where all of our sick friends are treated." Joy opened a white metal door, revealing the hospital-like interior with complete equipments.

Yunho and Jena took a brief glance and went on their way again, following Joy. "This, is where all the puppies play, and wait for their owners." They stopped at a window overlooking a decent sized room, where the pups ran around in, chewing their toys. "And across, is the kitten's room, since these two tend to fight a lot when mixed together." Joy pointed to the window across them. "For reptiles, we keep them in aquariums like these." Joy gestured to the glass boxes neatly placed on a shelf, housing reptiles like snakes, to iguanas, and also turtles.

As they stopped at the end of the hall, where the staff changing room is located, Joy shoves an apron and masks into their hands. "Keep you stuff inside the lockers and wear these, after you're finished, come out and I'll give you details." Jena went into the female changing room and wore the stuff Joy gave her absentmindedly. She stuffs her bag and phone into the locker and went out, hair tied up. "Grab one of these." Joy handed the both of them brushes, for puppies' fur. "You know what to do." Joy beamed them a smile and left the both of them bewildered.

"So? Shall we go?" Yunho cocks his head towards the puppies room, opening the door for both him and Jena. As soon as the both of them enter, the puppies swarm on their feet, excited about the newcomer. "Calm down babies!" Yunho said in a demanding manner. He instantly plops down on the floor and grabs the nearest puppy, which happens to be a toy poodle, and starts on her first. Jena copies his movements but instead of having small puppies like Yunho's, the bigger boys took interest in her more.

She managed to get a golden sit in front of her, but in return, only her eyes are visible. "Oomph, no! Don't move around." Jena desperately held on to the golden, discovering that his name is Corey. "Corey! Sit down!" Jena tries to calm the big mammal down, for he starts on going in circles, and sometimes snuggling on Jena. Yunho observes the female from his spot, occasionally breaking a smile whenever she smiles. "I swear Corey! You really act like that man right there!" Jena points a finger without even looking to Yunho's direction. "Me?" Yunho points to himself, "Yes Corey. That man." Jena kept an eye on the golden retriever, even though it doesn't even listen to her.

Heaving a heavy sigh, Jena did her best on brushing the overly hyped golden and moved on to the labradoodle patiently waiting beside her. "How do I even resemble a golden pup?" Yunho chuckles, reaching out to grab another puppy. "I don't know, you both are cute, I guess?" Jena said nonchalantly, not aware of the fact that he's blushing madly. "Well then you look like her." Yunho lifts up the pug he's brushing. "Are you implying that I'm ugly?" Jena scoffs, shaking her head. "You think she's ugly? I think that Sharen is beautiful." Yunho twists his arm so that Sharen faces him, "Aren't you a beautiful baby hm?" He uses his baby voice and that made Jena laugh. "Whatever you say then."

The rest of the task was filled with them matching the puppies with their friends. Apparently, Wooyoung resembles a corgi, while San looks like a husky to Jena. "Seonghwa is something different though." Jena ponders, she looks around the room, before her eyes land on something familiar. "Ah!" She points to the black figure, "There he is, Seonghwa." Jena nods to herself, proud. Yunho follows her hands and saw the Toothless plushie sitting on a rack, "Seriously?" He questions her, "But they do look similar."

Half an hour later, all the puppies in the room are clean and beautiful. "Great job you two!" Joy pops her head from the door, "You can come out now." Joy said that the pet shelter would need to close earlier hence their job finishing sooner. "Great then, we can go on that date of your's earlier!" Yunho grabs Jena's hand and pulled her to his car, he revs the engine and zooms off to God knows where. He smiles at her, the pearly whites showing, "Get ready for the best time of your life, Jen!"

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