55 // happy ending?

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"We knew."

The total opposite, of what Jane had expected, came from the boys, "What?" It wasn't Jane who said that, Jena was the one who did. "How?! It was a perfect, well, crime." She pursed her lips, thinking back to the days.

"Well, we noticed." Hongjoong said, "Your behavior was pretty weird. Not Jane-like, at all," He points at Jena, "And also, your phone." Yeosang added, "It gave off big time, you know." Jena looks down to her purple phone, gasping in realization.

"Did you, also knew?" Her voice grew quiet as she looks to the side, at her boyfriend. Yunho nods and giggles, "I was the first to notice." He smiles, showing off his gums.

"But, how?" Jena frowns, she should be glad that the boys' reaction are way more positive than what she had imagined but, being a good girl her whole life, having the first crime which she thought was perfect got discovered sucks.

Yunho shrugs and chuckles, "I don't know, true love, I guess." The boys groan at this, some even wanting to flick a hot pan towards him. "So you guys aren't mad or anything?" Jane asks again, "Nope." San said, pecking his girlfriend of the cheek.

Just as they thought that everything was alright, they forgot about the existence of a big furious beast. "You did those and not tell me?!" Jayden stood up, pointing at his siblings, "I am," he points at himself, "betrayed." and proceeded to cross his arms, sitting back down.

After a good ten minutes of apologizing and sugar talks, Jayden finally drops his 'angry' act and spoke like a normal person. "But what made you agree to that tho? I know that you have principles, unlike crazy daisy right here." Jayden asked his little sister, while avoiding Jane's angry fists.

"I pity her, partially." The fists stop, "You too?" Jane turns around to face her little sister but chose to cross her arms and chews aggressively instead. "And maybe because I was attracted to do so, somehow? I mean, without doing that, I won't even know him better." Jena points at Yunho.

"And the crazier thing is that I actually," She tucks her hair behind her ears, "transferred here because of him." Jena revealed, causing some to be left speechless and weirded out, not sure what to react, while some, and by some I mean Sehui, snorts. "Don't act as if you didn't transfer because of him." Jena shuts her up as she pointed at her best friend's boyfriend.

"What?!" Wooyoung shouts with his mouth full, "I understand with Jena's situation," He paused, rethinking, "not really, but at least she knew him and spent time with him for a couple of weeks but you," He points at Sehui, "We met outside the public library and you would move schools for him?" by the end of his really long sentence, Wooyoung was already out of breath. "Must be nice being rich and a genius."

"I didn't just transferred because of Seonghwa, you know!" Sehui crosses her arms, "I did that to protect Jena also!" She extends her head toward's Jena's direction.

"Yeah, but what if Seonghwa already had a girlfriend at that time?" San asked, "Well, I would— I don't— Why are you asking me these?!" Sehui asks back, If the rationally minded Jena didn't step into the almost bloodbath turned conversation, they would be eating tteokboki sauce mixed with blood by now.

"Whatever's in the past, is already, in the past, okay?" She said, after holding Wooyoung into a time out for spilling soup on the floor because he got to excited egging on the fight, "We focus on what's ahead of us."

They went back and ate in peace, with some arguments here and there but hey, it's still peaceful. "We should really go out on a trip someday, together." Yunho said, playing with Jena's hand while his other hand supports his head. "Great idea!" San said, "Let's go to the mountains!"

"No no," Wooyoung shakes his head, "Beach! there'll be ladies to woo there." The debate goes on for quite a while, the two friends each preparing a set of decent arguments why their choice is better than the other. "Look what you've done." Jena said, looking to Yunho, "Welp, sorry." He shrugs.

"Stop dreaming about vacation! We still have another week of exams coming!" Sehui pulls Wooyoung down to sit, while Jane does it to her boyfriend.

"You just crushed their dreams, Hui." Yeosang said, seeing the pouts of his friends, "Great job." He gave Sehui a thumbs up, digging a deeper frown on their faces. "Meanie." San huffs in tiny and looks away, chomping on his food.

Their day went on like that, no more splitting up, no other internal conflicts happening, and most importantly, no more Yeoreum to taunt them.

"I actually wished for her to stay locked up for another ten years." Jane said when the siblings reached home.

"At least the whole world knows about this, being shunned by the society is a nightmare, you know." Jayden said, setting his bag aside and jumps on the sofa, getting his PS set up. "You say that as if you're talking from experience." Jane sat beside him, snatching the controller away, making the boy huff and reaches out for the other controller.

"Kids! We're home!"

The back door opens, revealing their parents wheeling in groceries, "What the heck? Are we preparing for an apocalypse?" Jayden drops his controller and went to Mrs. Shin, taking the endless plastic bags in her hands.

"I don't know, ask your dad." Their mom rolls her eyes, nodding her head towards her husband.

"I have this new recipe to try out," Mr. Shin puts the bags on the counter, eyes lighting up, "Does it involve three jars of honey and pasta? 'Cause if it does, I'm out." Jane took out the jars of honey and set it in the pantry.

"Oh come on Jane, Dad's sure that it'll taste wonderful." Jena laughs at their interaction, leaving a warm spot in her.

Jena smiles towards her family, before turning away to go upstairs. She opens her room's door, turning the lights on, sighs and looks around, before her eyes settling down on the glass. The corners of her mouth curves up, reminiscing the day,

"And to imagine that all of these started because he climbed into the wrong window."


i can't believe it's overr😖

it has been a very fun experience writing this hehe💚💚 to all the readers out there, thank you for keeping up with the weirdest plot i could've come up with and reaching the end uwu.

any thoughts? opinions? or scenes you guys liked? or maybe hated? i really enjoy reading all of ur comments, they made my day brighter hehe.


see you real soon!!

see you real soon!!

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wrong window // jeong yunhoWhere stories live. Discover now