Important Note!

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Hi everyone, it is luna! I have a couple of very important updates on why I've missed the last few weeks of updating with little to no activity :(

Good news!! I am NOT discontinuing this story. Sometimes, when writing this fanfic I go through phases of extreme desire and passion for writing and other phases where it's complete writers block and I feel no connection to the work at all.

My lack of updates have been due to a small list of things, besides the lack of inspiration right now:

1. I've been reading again! I go through phases of devouring book after book after book and then will probably hesitate on touching a book for a year or more right after. This last happened after I finished ACOWAR and the ACOTAR series. So, to get some more inspiration, I've been reading a few novels I've picked up here and there!

One of those is Sarah's new novel, Crescent City: House of Earth and Blood and OHMYGOD it is so amazing. I am so trash for whatever Sarah writes, and I definitely suggest you guys to check it out! It's 800 pages of glory.

2. My broken ankle: I had a lot of pain and discomfort if I sat too long without elevating it at the right ankle. I'm happy to say it's healing well, although I hate this clunky cast! I no longer experience discomfort just from sitting normally so it means I can spend longer focusing on my work (my writing) without getting distracted by the pain.

3. Coronavirus/School: my school has been cancelled till sometime mid April due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Please, take this time to self isolate and social distance yourself as much as possible. Growing up underprivileged and poor, I understand how it might not simply be realistic to afford to sit at home for 3-4+ weeks in isolation. I am blessed enough to be in a financially secure situation now where I can work on my studies safely from home.

The past few weeks leading up until today , when my spring break was supposed to start, have been some of the most hectic ever! School was so rough this quarter it was crazy. I made it out alive, though!!

And... while I still have to maintain my studies, it leaves me a lot more free time to write! I don't want to hold myself to unrealistic standards and pressure myself to put out chapters, but don't be surprised if there's an influx of updates.

I am finishing Chapter 28 tonight/tomorrow, and it should be uploaded sometime soon.

Thank you to everyone who sticks with this story. All of your comments, reads, votes - WHATEVER you give me, means so so much. Thank you for 4k reads as well, a milestone! I love you guys so much <3

I am sorry for my lack of absence. You guys don't deserve it, but at the same time, life comes first. Take care of yourselves, and remember to always wash your hands!! Do what you can to keep everyone safe, including yourself ❤️

with love, lunar-loves

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