Chapter Three

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Darius left the party in a much more confused state than they were when they first burst into the sitting room. He wandered down the halls of his manor for some time before recalling his senses and seeking out the footman.

"Would you prepare a room for Miss Charlotte. She has come with the first group after all," Darius commanded.

"Of course, would you like me to prepare the room overlooking the garden or the stables?"

"The garden; it is much more fit for a woman of her stature."

"And it is closer to your room," the footman winked, hurrying off before Darius could make a reply or worse, fire him.

Darius, not quite ready to rejoin the animated party, wandered into his library and picked up his secret favorite novel, Faust. Rereading it for the sixth time, he was so engrossed, he failed to notice Charlotte slyly enter the room. She grabbed the first Ann Radcliffe book she saw and shuffled towards him, standing by the cold fireplace. Setting the book down with a soft thud, she turned towards him.

"I can assume my room is not yet ready," she spoke softly but with a dignified strength.

Peeling his eyes away from his book, Darius responded, "no, I am sorry. We were under the impression you weren't coming until later."

"And I suppose I gave that impression in my telegram."


"Oh well, I had business matters to attend to," she trailed off waiting for him to inquire into what matters she had to attend. When he did not, she continued, "my sister, from the North, we feared had run away to Ireland, but she was actually found in Bath on holiday."

"Oh yes, was she chaperoned?"

"No, we had to send for one immediately to cover up scandal. She was staying in a small inn with the money she got from our Aunt on her twentieth birthday."

"And I forget, how old are you again?" Darius absentmindedly asked.

"How rude, sir, you should never inquire of such a thing," Charlotte grinned, "but I am not three and twenty. Your sister's age, you know."

"I beg your pardon. I should have recalled you were my sister's age. You attended the same schooling in the North didn't you?"

"Yes, we did," unwilling to let the conversation end there, Charlotte worked anxiously to find something to say. Ultimately failing, she wished Darius a good day and awkwardly left the room. Darius returned to his book.

Not twenty more minutes had passed when Gisabelle bolted into the room in such a fuss, Darius slammed his book down to ask what was the matter.

"Oh nothing," Gisabelle shrugged her excitement off, "I just ran into Charlotte, and she said she was alone... in here... with you... I didn't let her finish, of course. I ran all the way over here to ask you directly. Did you propose?!"

"You should have let her talk," Darius scolded, "No, I did not propose, and not every communication between man and woman leads to a proposal. You had better mind your own business and stop trying to set me up with all of your friends. You will inadvertently start a rumor that I will have to dispel, and I am really not in the mood."

"You are cranky today, brother, did someone wake you up too late? I know how you like to be the first person to witness every day. You are so high and mighty, I wonder I haven't set you in your place yet."

     "You set me in my place. The very notion is ridiculous," Darius retorted.

      "Did you get me the bon bons I liked so much last I was here?" Gisabelle opened her eyes so they were wide and endearing.

     "Of course, a whole two boxes. I left them in your room. Don't eat them all at once!" he called after her, but she had run away to quickly to hear the last part.

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