Chapter Five

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All the party had gathered now in the ballroom, as preparations were being made. Darius' mother and Gisabelle were directing table cloths, flowers, seating cards, and streamers. William, Charlotte, and Darius were standing together in a circle, conversing.

"So... weather is a fun topic," William began.

"Yes," Charlotte continued, "we have so much rain lately, don't you think it odd, Darius?"

"Not very odd. It is spring. Besides, it must be very good for the harvest coming up," he responded matter-of-factly."

"To be sure," Charlotte sighed.

"Well," William continued, "what about politics-"

"No, a lady would rather not discuss such a drab topic," Charlotte cut him off.

"A lady might not, but two gentlemen have no reason to avoid it so long as they stay respectable in their opinions," Darius scoffed.

"I think I will leave you to it then, and go assist your mother and sister," Charlotte walked away, offended.

"What is with you, Darius?" William cried, "insulting a lady so curtly. Do you have no shame?"

"Only a little, and I'm sure it will pass," Darius responded.

"Well I never," William huffed. "It would do you good to not speak to a friend so..."

"She is a friend of my sister's, that is all," Darius's face turned red as he spoke, "and I would appreciate you and my sister not coupling us in your mind so much, your fancies are starting to make it into the real world."

Darius stormed off before William could reply, leaving William rather shocked and pained not knowing who was more at fault.

Darius, no longer finding his company supportable, sent for his steed to be readied, but thinking the better of it decided instead to call of the horse and return to his library. Again in his little corner, he thought of the girl from the clearing, so free and unabashed. He imagined even with the whole world looking upon her, she wouldn't act so differently as she had that day. She attempted to our run horses, and instead of being trampled, they parted for her as if she commanded the world. But her skirts were so dull. Her hair almost matted. Her eyes as dirty as moss. She was unpresentable. He yearned to know her, to have one conversation with her.

The door creaked open.

"I'm sorry, Darius," Charlotte timidly said, "I don't know what I did to upset you. But if you'll tell me, I'll fix it-make it right."

Darius stared at her. Her primp skirts, her tied up hair, her laced boots concealing her toes. She was so different than the girl in the clearing.

"Please speak, Darius."

Her perfection of mind, muddled by her plain brown eyes. Her features were pleasing and her figure frail and gentle, as it should be. Her black hair was stark against her skin, and made her look almost harsh and demanding, as he was. She was a perfect match for him. He should be kinder towards her.

"I am very sorry I've come off as rude to you, Miss Charlotte. My mind was disagreeably engaged. But I've brought myself back into reality now. Please enjoy your stay." He bowed and left quickly. As he passed her, she took his hand and looked into his eyes, "are you sincere?" she asked.

He looked away, "yes." She dropped his hand, and he went back into the ballroom with her not too far behind. As he entered, his sister wiggled her eyebrows at him, and his mother wiped away another tear. He sighed but composed himself and forced a smile onto his face.

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