The Appointment Part 2

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Remy's POV:

We had begun to talk about Andy. While I talked, it felt like a heavy weight was slowly being removed from my shoulders. But I certainly didn't tell him too much.

Like when he would hit me. And shut me up. And that one time--


Don't-- don't ever fucking think about that.

Never... again.

I felt myself beginning to cry, pinpricks of tears in my eyes, when Dr. Picani stood up and wrapped his arms around me from behind. I tensed up at first, but then melted into the warm embrace. He was just so nice and warm...

I then realized he had actually made me talk about my problems. That wasn't an easy feat, so that act alone said something about his therapeutic skills. 

One reason I was probably so open was that his office smelled like vanilla, a nice sweet familiar scent that reminded me of the time I had eaten an entire tub of vanilla ice cream in an hour. By myself. 

Wonderful memories. 

I glanced up at Dr. Picani and saw him smiling, but when he saw me looking up at him his smile faded and he took a step back, trembling slightly.

"S-sorry," he whispered.

I didn't like his whisper. It sounded like a whimper, kind of, and I wanted to see him happy. I wanted to see him smile again, so I took his wrist and pulled him into another hug. He returned it, nuzzling slightly into my neck. I could feel him smiling and felt a warm feeling bloom in my chest. 

After a while, Dr. Picani cleared his throat and moved away. He sat back in his seat and gave me a shy smile. "A-anyway, back to what we were talking about. Is there anything else that caused you to..." he waved his hand, essentially telling me what he meant.

I nodded and leaned back in my seat, grabbing my iced coffee again. "Yup. Sure is." 

I'll just give him a quick rundown. Not too much info. I don't want to talk about... that.

"I didn't see a future job for me, my friends had been distanced from me because of that bitch Andy, and, well, y' know life is shit."

Dr. Picani nodded along, a truly interested look on his face. He leaned forward, placing his head in his hands. "Tell me more."

Should I tell him?

No, not yet.

"Well, after he left, I started to see symptoms of abusive relationships in my family, like with me and my parents. I used to think they were at least sorta accepting of me, cause they bought me a house, but now I see it's more like 'get out of my house' kinda shit."

I sighed and took another sip of my coffee. It was very sweet. "So, you know... normal, at least normal-ish for a depressed, anxious gay teen."

"It's cool that you're gay," Dr. Picani told me, smiling sweetly. "I had my suspicions, but I don't like to assume," he explained. "I'm pansexual!"

My fears didn't exactly melt away at his smile and words like they say in cliche dime novels, but they did ease a little bit. And whoa, this cute darling was pan? I might have a chance after all...

I smirked. "Well then, dear, want to continue our game of old maid?" I asked, picking my cards up off the table. He blushed at the pet name and nodded. I leaned back in my chair, stretching out my hands. "I'm winning anyway."

He grinned. "No, you're not," he replied, setting down a pair. I smirked back. 

We chatted for some more time over the cards as the end of the appointment draws closer. We finished our game(I won) and continue to talk. I glanced at my phone and my eyes grew wide as I saw the time was 2:47 already. I should leave soon.

Remile: Orange TeaWhere stories live. Discover now