Wake Up, Darling

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Heyy, I just realized this is the first chapter with Logan's POV!! Coolio! :3

We're emerging from the angst, but in a little while we're going to go underwater again, but not for a few more chapters oop--

This a soffffft chapter UwU

Logan's POV:

The next morning was filled with early sunshine, rays of pale golden light streaming into the hotel room, and gently brushing over the still-sleeping figures in the room. 

I was already awake, watching the sunrise with a small smile on my face. How unusual, I thought with a small chuckle. I rarely smiled. Or laughed, for that matter. 

It was beautiful, pale cornflower-blue skies pasted with brushes of soft lilac clouds and amber-orange edges. The gentle blue faded to a desert-yellow, the warm color surrounding a bright orange-streaked sun that glowed in the horizon, spilling light over the dark, illuminated city below. 

After watching this early-morning spectacle for a while, I realized that, as the only one up, the duty of waking the others fell... on me. 

Or rather, Janus and Remus were already gone from their beds, probably out somewhere. I didn't know how early they had woken up, but it seemed they had failed to either inform me or wake me up. 

I sighed, turning around to gaze at the others gently snoozing on the beds. 

Roman had pulled Virgil to his chest, their fingers tangled together, their figures pressed cozily together. The warm woolen blanket looked comfy, and as my eyes drifted toward Patton on the other bed, I found myself wishing I could curl back up and sleep. 

However, we had an appointment today with Lia, to discuss... the bribery in the court. 

To my complete embarrassment, I had totally forgotten about the trial. I had been so busy with... everything else... that it had just slipped my mind. 

Blinking in the sunlight, I made my way back to Patton and curled my arms around his shoulders, kissing his shoulder. "Love, wake up," I hummed softly, smiling adoringly. "We have to see Lia this morning, remember?"

He rolled over, rubbing at his eyes, and yawned like a kitten. His eyes were barely open and filled with sleepy half-interest, his skin soft and shimmering gently in the morning sunshine. "...what?" he murmured, blinking at me. "Logie, that you?"

"Yes, it's me," I laughed gently. "It's time to wake up."

Patton pulled on my arm, trying to get me to come back into the bed. "You're so pretty with your... glasses all sparkly," he mumbled softly. 

I rolled my eyes and squeezed him in a soft hug. "Come on, Patton," I reminded him. "It's not healthy to get up so late."

"But 'm tired," he complained sleepily, yawning heavily. "Mornings suck..."

I kissed his cheek. "I understand that, love, but we have to get up."

He sighed, and tiredly sat up. "Fine," he mumbled. "I'll get up." He stretched, flopping limply on me for support. "My body's all heavy," he groaned, slipping out of bed and looking quietly around at the hotel room. 

Smiling, I picked up his glasses and handed them to him. "Here," I offered. "Now let's wake the others, shall we?"

Now more than half-awake, Patton looked excited to wake the others. "Leave it to me," he giggled, still somewhat sleepily. "I'm gonna have so much fun."

Remile: Orange TeaWhere stories live. Discover now