Her Final Words

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I won't lie. I cried writing this. It's heartbreaking. 

And hearthealing (is that a word?)

But-- but mostly heartbreaking ;-;

Emile's POV: 

I clapped a hand over my mouth, nausea rushing over me like a thick, dark river of tar. 

Stumbling forward, I let out a pained, horrible, echoing sob. 

Was she--

Was she really--


No, no, no, no, no!

I felt tears edge at my eyes, leaking down the sides of my cheeks and mixing with blood from the shattered jar. My legs trembled, and I felt as if I might throw up or pass out. 

She couldn't really...



Janus grabbed onto my arm, holding me steady. Remus helped me up, looking meaningfully at Janus. When the other nodded, Remus stepped forward to talk to the doctor. 

"So Trixie is..." he began, hesitating. 

The doctor's expression was subdued, and he didn't speak, only offering a small nod. "I'm afraid so. I'm so sorry. Were you... close?"

Remus thought about that for a few moments. "I don't really know," he admitted slowly. "I do hope so."

The doctor sighed quietly, glancing back at the room. "She... told me she had things to... to say."

Remus looked down at the floor, his hazel-brown eyes dark and quiet. "Okay."

"Could-- could you p-please tell--" I cut myself off, coughing as choking sobs overtook my words, and I crumpled into Janus. 

I had promised.

I had promised!

And the promise had shattered...

He nodded. "Alright... I'm so, so sorry, by the way."

Janus shook his head. "No, it wasn't your fault." He stroked my back. "Just let me make a phone call first."


The others were there in minutes, panting and each in different stages of distress. 

Virgil was mostly mute, but looked completely sick, his eyes wide and horrified and filling with sharp tears. He had his hood up, constantly swaying and reaching for his left arm, but pausing and drawing back, his hand clenching. Roman was staying silent as well, and kept tearing at little scraps of paper in his pocket. 

Patton was so upset he had to sit down, trembling and sobbing quietly into his sleeves, curled into a ball on the chair. Logan sat next to him, trying to calm him down but failing. They sat together, and I could almost see the pain seeping from Patton's eyes along with the tears. 

Remy had immediately ran over to me, then to the still-closed door where Trixie was. He was quiet, but shaking, and kept tripping over things and scratching at his arm. I grabbed his hands the third time, and he pulled me into a hug. Neither of us drew away for a long time. 

Remile: Orange TeaWhere stories live. Discover now