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This is what happened during the search with Roman's group lmao

This chapter. I had so much fuckin fun writing all the descriptions. Sometimes I just need... a vent, y' know? Sorry not sorry

Roman's POV:

After around half an hour of looking, we decided to put up missing posters. 

"Do you know how to get permission?" I asked Logan. "Cause I dunno if they'll just let us put up pictures of Janus and Remus on the light poles..."

He slipped his phone out of his pocket, tapping several words into google search. A few moments of silence later, he nodded. "Here it is. Apparently you have to get permission from either the police station or the mayor of the town."

Patton shivered. "I don't want to go anywhere near the police right now..."

"Why not?" I asked, confused. "Is there something wrong with the police in this town?"

Hesitantly, Patton spoke. "Well... no. But kiddo, you remember that Andy's a police officer, right? He could know some of the people in this police station, couldn't he?"

Logan thought about it for a few seconds. "That is an excellent point, Patton, but should we not try every possibility to try and find our friends?"

"...maybe," he murmured, sounding uncomfortable. "Can we just go see the mayor first?" he asked, looking up with pleading eyes at Logan. 

Sighing, Logan nodded. "Fine. Let's go."

I smirked, edging up to nudge Patton's shoulder. "Awh," I teased, patting his head. "You two are so cute together!"

"As if you hadn't set us up multiple times," Logan replied dryly. "You seemed to realize that we would be... 'cute'? In a relationship even before you began pushing for us to get together."

Rolling my eyes, I shoved him. "Yeah, whatever. C'mon now, I want to find Jan and Re before it gets even darker."

Patton looked nervously up at the sky. "It's already pretty dark, isn't it?" he muttered. "That's bad..."

"Is it?" I questioned. "I like nighttime. It's so cool and nice," I laughed, stepping ahead of the others and turning around in a quick circle, nearly falling over as I did so. "Oops!"

Logan blew out a long breath. "You are much too overdramatic," he complained. "Why did I have to get stuck with you?"

I stuck my tongue out at him. "It's not like I want to be in your group either," I shot back. "I wish I was with Virgil."

"You have stated that multiple times," Logan sighed. "Either way, we should get going."

Behind us, a crow called out in a raspy caw. 


The mayor's building was... surprisingly small. It was squished between two other brick buildings on Hydrangea Street, with a black metal streetlamp dimly flickering light onto the dark walls. 

But what it lacked in size, it more than made up in majesty. 

A brick building, with several arched windows and an elegantly carved bronze door made up the front entrance, with flowers of all shades lining the granite path from the sidewalk. A large bush was trimmed in the shape of the moon, with small cream-white flowers popping from the dark, shiny leaves. 

When we stepped inside, I realized the glass was stained a pretty shade of amber, so the entire hall was bathed in a stunning yellow-orange light that looked like a sunset. The area was large and echoey, with oil paintings painted with intricate detail hung up with the same golden string holding the pink gemstone chandelier. 

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