Dear Crush

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Dear Crush:

I hate that you make me doubt my feelings towards you. Fuck you.

I can not stand it anymore. I need to tell you how much I like you, but I'm scared.

Is it normal to feel so pathetic?

I think you are the reason for my happiness, because when you smile, I become in the happiest person on Earth, but you don't know it, and i thanks it.

I'm being yours and you're falling for somebody else. It hurts.

Who knows? Maybe you want me like I want you, and I'm just exaggerating... But maybe not.

What if I risk confessing my feelings forward you? What will happen with us?

Maybe someday I'll have the courage to tell you about my feelings.

Meanwhile, I say goodbye to you, dear Crush.

With love, the girl who loves you.

Cosas que quise decir pero que nunca hiceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora