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Warnings: Hanahaki disease, graffic depictions, themes of death. Cursing.
Remus didn't know why he felt a surge of pain whenever he saw Patton with Logan. Remus didn't understand why he was constantly wanting to be around the light blue polo wearing side. And Remus definitely didn't understand why he started coughing up blood and blue flower petals.
He thought maybe this was normal for him. Strange things tend to happen to and around him. He was the embodiment of intrusive thoughts after all.
But this was different, this didn't go away like usual. In fact, it just kept getting worse as the weeks went by. It was becoming more and more difficult to hide it from the others. Eventually, the duke decided he should go to someone for help. He would have gone to Logan, but for some reason, the idea of even being in the same room with that man made him angry. He would have gone to Patton, but he felt ashamed. He felt Patton was the last person he wanted to know about all this. He settled on going to his brother, Roman.
"Hey Roman! I have something to ask you!" Remus stormed into his brother's room. Roman jumped and clutched his chest at his brother's intrusion.
"Holy shit, Remus you scared me! Can't you knock?" Roman glared at his brother who responded with an eye roll.
"Anyway Princey, do you know why I'm coughing up flowers?" Remus asked, his face dropping into a more genuine expression. Roman's eyes widened "Coughing up flowers, you say?"
Remus nodded. Roman's face fell.
"Remus, I don't know how to tell you this but, you have hanahaki disease..." Remus looked back at his brother perplexed.
"Hannah who now?" He asked. Roman sighed "Hanahaki disease, it means that flowers are growing in your lungs, it's the disease of unrequited love..."
"Unrequited love? But I don't love anyone, except you." Remus was filled to the brim with confusion.
"You have to be in love with somebody. Is there anybody who makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside when you see him?"
Remus thought for a moment.
"Patton." He answered simply and ashamedly.
Roman nodded. " I thought so, I've seen the way you look at him."
Right at that moment Remus started coughing uncontrollably, he couldn't breath. Roman patted him on the back, knowing what was causing the fit. Soon, light blue rose petals were falling out of the duke's mouth. He could feel the thorns scratching on his insides. As he continued coughing, blood accompanied the petals. Roman sat by his twin, rubbing his back, feeling hopeless to do anything to help. After some time, the coughing finally died down and a shaking Remus fell into his brother's arms, tears streaming down his face.
"N-now that we know what this is, how do I get rid of it?" Remus asked in a shaky, raspy voice.
Roman looked at his brother sadly. "There are only two options for a cure."
Remus looked hopeful. "Great, what are they?"
"Well the easiest one is to get the flowers surgically removed." Roman said, still wearing a sorrowful expression.
Remus perked up. "Great! I can just do that then."
Roman sighed. "You can, but there are side effects. Remus if you do that, you won't love him anymore, and you'll never be able to again."
Remus thinks for a moment. If I don't love him anymore, I won't be hurting anymore. I won't be irrationally angry at Logan, I won't be sad as much, and I'll be back to my old self... It seemed like a good idea, but then he considered it further. I won't get those butterflies when I see him smile, I won't feel that joy when he says my name, I won't want the world for him, and his happiness will no longer make me happy too.
Remus looks at Roman. "I don't think I want to stop loving him. What's the other option?"
Roman looks back up at Remus, tears begin to fill his eyes. "He would have to love you back."
Remus smiles. "Oh well, Patton's so loving, I'm surprised I even have this."
Roman shook his head. "No he'd have to fall in love with you. Romantically. That's the only other way, I'm so sorry."
Remus' eyes widen, and his smile fades. "Logan..."
Roman nods "I'm sorry."
Remus looks Roman in the eye. "I don't want to stop loving him. If he never feels the same, so be it." The duke proclaims was a strong resolve.
"Remus, it will only get worse."
"I know. Hey, it's not like we can die." The duke shrugs.
"But you'll wish you were. That's a terrible way to live, in constant excruciating pain." The prince plead with his twin.
"Then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, but for now, I'm going to love Patton. Maybe he'll love me in return one day, if not... well at least the roses are beautiful."

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