Chapter 3: Getting Settled & New Friends

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          After saying goodbye to my parents, I hauled the rest of my bags up to my dorm. I walked into the main lobby of the building, to see many other students checking into their dorms and saying goodbye to their parents. I walked into the elevator and pressed level 2, the elevator soon went up and opened for level 2. I walk down the hallway to find my room U126, I walk in the doors to find the room empty of any decorations except for the boxes my parents and I put in there earlier. I had come on the first of the three days of arrivals, so my roommate wasn't here yet. My dorm was quite big, it fit two full beds and two desks between the beds. There was one mini-fridge, a full bath, and two walk-in closets for me and my roomie. I decide to take the bed closest to the bathroom, and quickly unpack all my stuff. I was just about to get ready for bed when someone knocks on my door. I shuffle over to open and see who it is.

       "Hi, sorry to bother you at this hour, but I wanted to introduce myself." A woman with dark hair says with a soft smile. "My name is Emma, I'm one of the dorm monitors on campus." She extends her hand and smiles big as she says this.

       "Oh, nice to meet you, I'm Sofia!" I shake her hand politely.

      "If you ever have any questions you can always stop by my office." She points to the blue door near the elevator.

      "Ok, thank you!" I give her a soft smile and nod in understanding.

       "No problem, have a good night!" Emma says. Emma then turns around and heads to her office. I close the door and finish unpacking all my decorations. I open the folder Oliva gave me and pull out my schedule and place it on the desk next to my bed. I finish placing all my clothes in the closet and neatly separate my riding clothes from my normal clothes. I then hang up a few pictures of my family, friends, and of course me and Bailey. I finally finish decorating my room. I sit on my bed and take my schedule in my hands to look over it. I had my core classes in the morning for thirty-minutes each, then Lunch for an hour. Then my riding class for two hours. I look up at my clock on my desk to read the time of 10:30. It was getting pretty late, and I had an early day tomorrow, so I decided to get changed and hit the hay.


            I wake up to my alarm, blaring at 7:30. I shuffled out of bed, and headed to the bathroom. I changed out of my pajamas and slipped into my shirt and a tan pair of breeches. I walked out of my dorm building, and headed for the stables. I walked past the parking lot, which was starting to be filled up with students as they start to arrive to sign in. I walked down the gravel path towards the stables, as I walk down, I see someone's trailer pull up to the stables and pull out a beautiful buckskin Irish sport horse with two white socks on his front hooves. I walked past the trailer as the trainer is taking the horse out of the trailer. I turned away from the beautiful horse and continued to walk towards the stable entrance. As I turn into the entrance i run right into something and then I felt my butt hit the ground hard. I winced at the pain that shot up my back from the impact.

           "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" I heard a guy's voice say. I looked up to see a young boy with light skin and chocolate brown hair. He had eyes as brown as his hair, with a hint of hazel in the middle. I look at him dazed and confused. "Are you ok?" he says as he places his riding gear down beside him and extends a hand to me. He gives me a concerned look, and I take his hand as he helps me stand.

          "" I stumble my words, "uh, yea I'm fine it was an accident!" I give him a smile while I wipe the dust off my pants. "can't be a rider if your afraid to fall, right?" I chuckled a little, and to my surprise he did to.

         "Brandon," he says with a smile and extends a handout. I shake it politely and respond, "Sofia!" I give him a friendly smile. "need any help?" He looks at his gear on the floor and smiles,

        "Sure!" He picks up the tack he had placed beside him and walks off towards his horse, I follow.

"Is this your horse?" I ask pointing to the buckskin horse that i just passed. He looks at me as he grabs the lead rope from the trainer.

"Yeah, this is Spartin." Brandon says. I grab his tack as he leads his horse down the stable isle. We finally get to his stall towards the middle of the barn. I place down his gear and open the stall door for him. He leads Spartin in and unclips his lead rope from his halter. "Thanks so much for the help! I don't think I would've been able to carry my tack and lead Spartin at the same time." He laughs a little as he says this, then looks at me.

       "It was no problem; I was heading to the stables anyways!" As I give him a smile in return, I hear the familiar nicker of Bailey. I turn my head toward Bailey's stall, to see his head is poking out of the stall and turned towards Spartin. "Someone's jealous?" I say with a little chuckle. I walk over to Bailey and give him a rub on the neck. Brandon walks up to Bailey's stall and give him a rub on the nose.

       "Is he yours?" He says, as he continues to rub Bailey.

      "Yeah, I was planning on riding today so that why I was heading over here. That when I bumped into you, literally." I laughed a little as I said this, and Brandon did as well. He looks away from Bailey and at me again. 

"Hey, can I see you phone, mine died." He says as he points to his phone in his pocket.

       "Sure," I give him my phone confused and suspicious on what he was going to use it for. He types something into my phone, then smiles and hands it back to me.

       "There now you can text me if  ever you want to ride," He gives me the cheekiest face possible as he says this and turns to walk back towards Spartin's stall. He picks up the tack and turns back to me and waves. "Well, I have to go finish signing in and getting settled in my dorm. Catch you later Sofia!" He gives me a smile, then turns and walks down the isle towards the tack room. I look down at my phone to see it opened to my 'Notes' app, and I read the sentence Brandon had typed. '518-467-0807 Call Me 😉' I look up from my phone, blushed from the text and stare at the stable isle to see Brandon walk into the tack room. I hear a nicker come from Bailey and he turns his head towards me.

       "Oh, shut up," I roll my eyes at him and tell him to back up using my hand as I open the stall door.

So Sorry for the delay on this chapter :/ Been busy with school and internet issues. Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!!{IK it was a little cheesy ;3}  Sorry these chapters are a little boring right now, i'm just introducing everyone and getting the story in line!! Promise there will be some excitement to come :)

[P.S - The number in the story doesn't work, there random numbers]

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