Miso Soup

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Todoroki's POV

I wake up with a yawn. I get out of bed and stretch. When I look around I realize I'm not in my room. I look at the bed and see Bakugou, still sound asleep. Right. I forgot I stayed here last night.

I search for my phone to see what time it is. It's in my pocket. I check the time and surprisingly it is still pretty early. I decide to leave Bakugou alone and go into my room, taking some clothes and going into the bathroom I take a shower. When I finish I brush my teeth and get ready for classes today. By the time I'm awake Bakugou isn't awake so I knock on his door before entering. If he is a light sleeper he might wake up to it. He didn't so I went inside and shook him lightly.

"Bakugou," I whisper, "Wake up. Class will start soon." He slowly opens his eyes and yawns, rubbing his eyes.

"Cute." I say to myself.

"What?" He groggily asks.

"Nothing. Class will start soon you should get ready." I tell him.

"Right." He gets out of bed and immediately checks the time.

"I'll see you in class." I leave his room.

"Right." He says again. He looks a little down. I ponder if I should stay or not but decide against it.

Leaving the room and going into the elevator, Kirishima steps in as well.

"Yo Bro!" He says.

"Hi." I say back.

"How's rooming with Bakugou going!? I hope he isn't causing too much trouble!" He laughs.

"It's alright. He isn't causing any trouble." I tell him. The elevator doors chime open and we both exit.

"Todoroki! Kirishima!" Mina excitedly waves at us.

"Sato made us breakfast! It's so delicious, try it!" She said and pointed at Sato in the kitchen.

"It isn't a big deal!" He blushed of embarrassment.

"I do have to agree though. These are delicious." Tsuyu smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"Cool! What is it Sato bro!" Kirishima went over to him and grabbed a plate that was already ready.

"Oh it's nothing. Just some Miso soup." He laughed.

"It's the best Miso soup I've ever tasted." Tokoyami said. I hadn't noticed him until now.

Kirishima took a sip of the soup, his face brightening almost immediately.

"This is delicious!" He started eating more. I went over to try some and I have to admit it's really delicious.

The elevator opens and Bakugou and Midoriya both exit.

"Deku! Bakugou!" Uraraka waved, "you should try some of Sato's delicious Miso Soup!" If they kept telling everyone the whole school would find out. I think that's what they were trying to do though.

"Sure!" Midoriya went over to Sato and the kitchen to get a bowl. I looked over at Bakugou who was leaving.

"I'm not hungry." He left the dorm building.

When I finished my Miso soup I placed it in the  sink and left for class, Midoriya following. I decided this would be a good time to talk to him about the sleepover.

"Hey Midoriya." I said. He was hesitant to reply but eventually did.

"Hi Todoroki!" He said happily.

How should I start this. It feels like it's been years since I've talked to him even though that's stupid. Before I could open my mouth and form the words Midoriya spoke.

"So things have been kind of weird since the sleepover and well not talking to you isn't getting anywhere and stuff so can we kind of pretend like it didn't happen. Well not that it didn't happen but-" he started to ramble on and then go into a mumble.

"Midoriya." I snapped him out of his mumbling.

"Yes lets go back to talking and being normal." I told him. He nodded his head and we talked until we got to class and it officially started.

"Alright class." Aizawa sighed, "Today you are doing combat training with All Might."

Some groaned because they wanted to do nothing today and others cheered in excitement.

Bakugou's POV (⚠️CUT WARNING⚠️)

Today when I woke up, for some reason I felt super shitty. Nothing was wrong, yet, but I had felt worse than I'd felt the last couple days.

I went into the bathroom, avoiding looking at myself in the mirror. I tried to get ready without doing anything but I couldn't resist the urge. I decided to give in. I grabbed my razor and started cutting my legs. At least no one could see them. I cut for I don't know how many long. When I finished I washed the blood off the razor and put it back down.

Days like this I feel like if I drank that beer it would be different. Maybe I could've died of alcohol poisoning.

My stomach growled because I haven't eaten in days, and I still don't plan to eat.

I leave the room and go into the elevator, Deku is already inside.

He looked at me and I took a deep breath.

"Morning Kacchan!" He waves happily.

I ignore him. The elevator door opens and we both exit. The girls all say something about eating which automatically stopped me from listening so I just told them I wasn't hungry and left to class, even if it didn't start for another 10 minutes or so.

When class started I really didn't feel like doing anything and I hoped Mr. Aizawa would just sleep in his sleeping bag but instead we had to do training.

My stomach growled again. This really wasn't the best time for combat training.

We all put on our hero suits and went out to the training ground. All might was already there.

"Students! You are here!" He talking about what we were going to do. We were going to be partnered up and have a 1v1.

First up was Deku vs. Shitty Hair. Next would be Frog vs Raccoon eyes. Then Icyhot vs Pikachu and whatnot. I would be up against round face. That will be an easy win, but I still won't underestimate her.

The fights where about to start. Shitty hair and Deku already in position.

All might said "let the training begin!"

Word Count: 1034

Sorry if this is a bad/slow chapter. The action is gonna start next chapter so get ready.

Also I'm not that good at fight scenes to don't blame me if it's not good.

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