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⚠️Suicide Attempt(s)⚠️

Third Person POV

Everyone was hanging out in the common area of the dorm building. They were all going to watch movies and sleep there as a huge sleepover. Everyone was invited except for Mineta because the first time they did a huge slumber party like that he tried to take pictures of the girls in their sleep.

The 5 students who knew about Toga had a plan that was going to be set in motion. Before they put on the first movie, Uraraka took Toga into the kitchen area, far away so no one could hear the class discussion. She was to distract Toga as long as she could.

Iida started, "Everyone, I have an announcement to make! Please know that you will all have questions and none of them will be answered right away. You just need to trust us and follow the plan-"

Bakugou interrupted, "You're taking to long." He groaned.

"Well do you want to explain?"

"Not really."

"I'll just say it." Tsu said before any of them could start talking again.

"The traitor is Mina. But it's not Mina. It's the Villain Himiko Toga."

There were small gasps and whispers which were quickly cut off as Yaoyorozu shushed everyone so they could listen before the two came back.

"She needs Mina's blood to keep pretending to be Mina. She'll need it soon. Maybe tonight. So we have to keep a good eye." Tsu finished.

"We have informed Mineta and he is, strangely but not unexpectedly very okay with keeping an eye on her." Iida informed. The girls shuddered.

"Just make sure to sleep with one eye open." Todoroki blandly stated.

Uraraka came in first, peaking her head around the wall to warn everyone Toga is coming.

"So did you guys pick a movie?" Toga asks.

"Yeah we chose All Might: Civil War." Midoriya clicked on the first movie on the TV.

"Cool. Who's side are you guys on? I'm team Endeavor." Uraraka said sitting by Midoriya.

"Let me guess, because of Hawks?" Tokoyami asked.

"Who's side are you on?" Yaoyorozu asked.

The conversation went on for who's side is on who the entire movie. They watched one more movie, a comedy romance movie. The girls chose it and almost everyone fell asleep watching it.

Bakugou turned off the tv and lay down. He couldn't really go to sleep, like most nights. But for Todoroki, he's trying.

Bakugou closes his eyes so he can tru to sleep. He turns occasionally. After a while he determines that he cannot and will not sleep. He'll just pretend to sleep and when Toga gets up he'll follow.

An hour later  Bakugou can feel Mineta staring. Even if he isn't staring at him. The only girls remotely close to him was Yaoyorozu. He quietly threw a pillow at Mineta and pointed to a sleeping Toga. He was supposed to be watching her.

Hours later, it's around 2 in the morning. Bakugou still can't sleep. Bags are forming under his eyes. He turns, facing Todoroki. He just looks at him. Todoroki is sleeping peacefully. He looks so calm and serene.

Bakugou hears a rustling. Too much for someone who's asleep. He opens one of his eyes slightly. He can see Toga walking quietly and calmly. He can wake up someone, which could take too much time, or go himself.

Unmasked (Depressed Bakugou x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now