I Love You

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Bakugou's POV

Arriving back was good. We all unpacked our things in our dorms and shit. It was pretty peaceful. We had to have the talk about our relationship though.

When it was finally time to have the relationship talk, I surprising felt ready. I liked Todoroki. He liked me. That was obvious. So there won't be any problems with it right? How was the conversation even supposed to start?

Todoroki sat beside me on the couch I was on. He looked at me and smiled a little. I smiled back. I couldn't help it. His smile is contagious.

"So," I start. "I like you." He nods. "You like me?" He nods and smiles again. "I like you." He responds.

"To cut to the chase. Want to go on a date?" Todoroki bluntly asked. I smiled and nodded.

"Of course you idiot." I replied. He laughed. "What?" I ask.

"You look cute." My face turned red.

"I am not!" I yelled.

He laughed at me and I threw a couch pillow at him. He was shocked at first but then he playfully threw it back and hit me in the face. He laughed at me again. I threw it playfully back at him, it landed on the top of his head and slid down onto the floor. Which made me laugh. We both started laughing. It was a good night. And a short conversation.


Today I dressed as casual and nice as I could. Mina helped me pick out an outfit because today me and Shouto are going on a date. And a double date. Shouto told me the plan was for me and him and Yaoyorozu and Jirou go on a double date to a restaurant. The richer paying. And then go out separate ways to go do something else you do on a date. Like go to the movies.

Does that count as two dates? Am I going on two dates on the same day??

Anyways after Mina helped me finish my outfit, Mina walks me to the elevator and wishes me luck on my date.

"What are you, my mom?" I scoff. Though she was a better mom than my actual mom. When I get downstairs I see the three are already ready for the double date. I hope I didn't take too long.

"Have fun!" Kirishima announces from the couch.

"And be back by at least 12:00!" Iida used his hand motions. Which I rolled my eyes too.

"We'll be back when we get back." The four of us headed out the door.

"So are we walking there?" Jirou asked. Which I wanted to know as well. The richer of us had planned the entire date, so they probably planned to go somewhere super fancy.

"No we're driving there." Yaoyorozu smiled.

"Who's driving?" I ask.

"The chauffeur." Me and Jirou were visibly shocked. We get they're rich but a whole ass chauffeur. Are we riding in a limousine? My question was quickly solved when we saw a limo in the front of the school.

"I- this is too much." Jirou said, shocked.

"It's nothing. It's my personal chauffeur." Yaoyorozu laughs.

"Have you two ever been in a limo before?" Shouto asked us. We both shook our heads no.

"Well, first time for everything!" Yaoyorozu smiled. We got into the limo after the chauffeur opened the door for us. Which he really didn't have to do. Although being in the limo made me feel powerful. Like I was a rich asshole instead of a regular asshole.

We all just talked nonchalantly. Sometimes Jirou and I tried to trick Yaoyorozu and Shouto into telling us where we were going. It was no use.

When we finally arrived, it was a very fancy restaurant. Probably super expensive. The waiter walked us to a private booth away from most of the others there. The only other people there were old rich couples or regular, adult rich couples. So we got a few looks when entering. But as soon as they noticed it was Yaoyorozu and Todoroki they turned their heads back and continued chatting with their dates.

Unmasked (Depressed Bakugou x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now