I'll Help

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Warning: Enji Todoroki is a terrible parent

Authors note at the end of the chapter.

Todoroki's POV

Before class started I needed to talk to Bakugou. I know he hasn't been eating and I know he cuts. He's grown weaker because of it. He can't fight as his usually fast speeds which is one reason why Aizawa chose him to get Toga. He needed to start eating and stop cutting.

Right now he is in the bathroom. He's been in there for a while. I hope he isn't doing anything again. But knowing him. He probably is. I want to knock on the door or burst in but I don't know how to go about it.

I do know where he is coming from. Not fully but I know he's experiencing what I've experienced. Just differently. Instead of the league it was my father.

I take a deep breath. I doubt I'll regret anything. I walk over to the bathroom door and slowly knock a few times.

I hear a clank and Bakugou says something along the lines of "Shit. Motherfucker."

"You okay in there?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"We need to talk." He didn't respond for a few seconds.

"About?" Was his response.

"Something important. I'll tell you when you come out." I sat in a chair and played a game on my phone.  It wasn't long before he came out and sat in a nearby chai.

"So what do you want?" I turned off my phone and looked at Bakugou's arms. He put them behind his back. This is a conversation that has to happen. No matter how hard it'll be. Especially with the stuff with Toga coming up. We won't exactly finish the conversation now. It'll probably be a long one. I took a deep breath.

"Bakugou you have been trying to avoid it but we can't really avoid this any longer. I know about the cutting," I look down, "Judging from what happened when I was walking you home that one night, you probably have anxiety. Plus the nightmares. Bakugou I know."

When I look back at him I see he is crying. I wasn't surprised. Not anymore.

"So what are you gonna do? Tell everyone?" No. "Pick on me?" Absolutely not.

"I want to try and help. Especially with this Toga and Mina stuff going on. You'll need to be in good shape." Both of us say nothing. We just look down. Bakugou wipes his tears.

"We need to head to class." He said.

"We'll talk after we meet with Mr. Aizawa."

The rest of the day went by in a blur. We met with Aizawa and he told us to keep an eye on Toga again. Soon she'll need to get Mina's blood which means Mina is alive but with the league. We'll be following her around on shifts. She'll probably catch on sooner or later and become more stealthy. We might have to let the rest of the class know.

When we were done with that, we came back to the dorms to finish our conversation.

"I've been thinking about what you said this morning." He started the conversation, "I'll accept your help."

"Is there a catch?" I've watched too many movies.

"No. I just don't want to be weak. And I don't want to feel this way anymore." He looks down again. Before I can say anything he clears his throat.

"So what do I do?" He asks, looking at me. I can practically see the deadness in his eyes.

"For now we can work on not cutting and eating." He looked sad.


Bakugou's POV

"Alright." I tell him even though I know I don't deserve it. I don't deserve anyone's help. The only reason I said yes is because he thinks I'm weak. Which means everyone else probably thinks I'm weak. I need to get stronger.

But I don't deserve his help. I deserve not to eat. I deserve to be hurt. Even if I don't want to feel this way. I deserve it.

"What do you use?"


"To cut." Still blunt as ever. But I did hear a bit of hesitation. He also seems like he's uncomfortable with talking about this. I won't question it though.

"In the bathroom under the sink. I have a lot of sharp objects I can use..." He stands up and walks to the bathroom. I watch as he opens the cabinet under the sink and takes out all the sharp objects and things I can use to hurt myself.

"I'll keep these with me. If that's alright." I nod and he takes them into his room. He comes back out and looks at my arms. I know he wants to see the cuts.

"Not yet. I don't want you to see them anymore than you already have.." I tell him. Even if he saw only for a moment. He nods, respecting my decision. My curiosity gets the best of me.

"How are you so calm about this? How do you know what to do?" Todoroki looks at me, not expecting the questions I asked him.

"Would it make you feel better if I told you?" He questioned. I slowly nodded. He sits down and takes a deep breath before continuing.

"My father. Since the first day I got my quirk he trained me. So I could be like him. If I didn't do what he said he'd sometimes beat me senseless. Verbally and Physically. I started to go through what you went through. I cut. Stopped eating.. I even tried suicide multiple times. There are still scars.." Todoroki rolled up his sleeve and I saw the, very faded, scars. You could barely see them but some were still there.

"Wow. I didn't know. Sorry to make you talk about it.." I reply.

"It's alright. My siblings helped a lot." He smiled slightly at the thought, "and now I get to help you." Todoroki full on smiled. With his teeth slightly showing and everything.

I smiled back.

"You look like an idiot."

Word Count: 1000

Also like while writing this chapter I realized that I have never written a fic before. Crazy right? And I know where I'm going. But at the same time I don't.

I've never written a fic before and I'm just like "How are they gonna get together?" "How would I end the story??" Which led me to the question
"Would people still read this if it were over 50 chapters???"

I'm not saying it'll go over 50 chapters but like if it does become really long then if you don't like long stories feel free to leave now and if you do, get ready for the long haul 😅😅

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