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How far can you go to save you relationship?.

Have you done all that was required?

How long do the bitter words can be endured?

How much you have to sacrifice your happiness for the honour of others?

When do you stop?

Is a relationship worth saving when you lose your sight of worth?.

Was he worthy?.


Men are safeguards of woman.

Many times over and over we heard the statement that is imprinted deep within us and engraved in such a way that even if one is to do wrong we will stay silent on it.

Be it being abused we will be abused because it was meant for us.

The couple are made in heaven.

Good men are for a good woman.

Both these states are used and abused in the way and situation required. Without senses, without reasons and without caring.

Over the years, religion is distance and something to manipulate people who are nothing but a weak being or perhaps over time they are turned into weak being.

The bodies are built physically strong but inside remains the fragile soul. Anger is turned into ego that can be hurt by a simple pin falling on the ground in the utter silence.

Cries are unheard until those cries are from the one you want to hear from. Pain is overlooked and overrated concept.

And, we, human are now worse than any being.

"Lala (brother), I am telling you the woman we are going to meet is damn". His brother, Gulzar - a year younger exclaimed in glee

He ignores his words not wanting to concentrate on any woman especially the one he wants to do business with.

"She is ruthless when it comes to deal. She hears of none and does what she finds fit. It blows me away and scares me each time I have been in her contact. It looks like she is a master and every one her minion". He further explained her character as he has seen

"You know outside is just a facade of what's hidden inside one". He, Zalaan replied looking at the figures of his company

"Like you". Gulzar said with acid leaking in just two words

His hands stilled and his body rigged, "Yes, like me".

No words were exchanged after that only the best preparation of the meeting everyone was anticipating for. It wasn't easy to have a meeting with her. He had worked for months close to a year to be able to have his hand over this project to present to her.

He had hardened himself to stand tall in front of all. He wasn't an easy man to break. He was cold, distant, rigged, unapproachable and his aura remain of that man who has committed sins seen by all.

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