Chapter Twelve

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Viperpaw stared at the body of the dead deputy as rage filled her from ears to tail tip. She looked at Mistypelt, who was grinning down at the deed she had done. Without hesitation, she cleared the distance in three bounds and lunged for the ShadowClan warrior.

"Murderer!" She screeched, tearing into the warrior's pelt, drawing blood. "You killed her!"

"Good riddance!" Mistypelt sank her teeth into Viperpaw's shoulder and tossed her to the ground, placing a hefty paw on the apprentice's chest to hold her down. "Darkfang deserved to die!"

Thunderpaw, I'm so sorry. She thought as she clawed desperately at the she-cat's chest. Get here and I'll tear this piece of fox-dung to shreds.

"Viperpaw!" There was a yowl and Viperpaw twisted underneath Mistypelt to see her Clanmates burst from the forest and overwhelm the ShadowClan warriors.

Beetlestar saw the lifeless body of his deputy and narrowed his eyes. He leaped at Mistypelt, allowing Viperpaw to scramble to her paws and aid the Clan leader. He didn't appear to need any help as he raked his claws down the she-cat's face.

"Argh!" Mistypelt stumbled back, blood dripping from her right eye. She glared at the ThunderClan leader, her left eye blazing with hatred and cold triumph. "I'll flay you alive, just like Darkfang!"

Beetlestar reared on his hind legs and Viperpaw shot forward, ramming her shoulder into the side of Mistypelt, knocking her off-balance. Her Clan leader got the message and slithered toward the she-cat, slashing his claws down her belly.

Mistypelt roared in pain and fury as she toppled to the side. "You ThunderClan scum will pay!" She shrieked and got to her paws, blood running down her face and belly. Without warning, she lunged for Viperpaw and sank her teeth into her scruff. Flinging a paw around her shoulder, Mistypelt faced Beetlestar, sneering. "One more step and I'll rip out her throat."

Beetlestar hesitated, looking at Viperpaw. He blinked at her, but the apprentice gave him a tiny nod. He seemed to understand as he sheathed his claws and forced his fur to lie flat.

"Good choice, Beetlestar." Purred Mistypelt, her left eye twinkling with triumph. "Call off your warriors and we'll leave in peace."

Viperpaw unsheathed her claws and sank her teeth into her captor's leg. Mistypelt yowled in anger and Viperpaw whirled around, slashing her chest before springing away.

Mistypelt sank to the ground, coughing and wheezing as she spat out blood. Her belly and chest gushed out blood, making it pool around her just like Darkfang. Her left eye looked up at them, pained and angry. "Y-you little brat," she whispered before the light died from her eye and she fell limp.

Viperpaw looked up at Beetlestar, who was shaking his head and sighing. "Beetlestar?" She meowed, nudging her leader with her shoulder.

"A life for a life," he meowed, his voice strained as he looked around at the battlefield. The ThunderClan cats were winning and most of the ShadowClan cats had retreated. Including that tom who warned me. Viperpaw added silently. "That's the price Mistypelt paid for slaying Darkfang."

Viperpaw didn't reply as she looked at the limp form of the ThunderClan deputy. She was a great deputy, if not a bit strict at times. Thunderpaw had only had her as his mentor for a day and he already needed a replacement.

"ShadowClan warriors, retreat!" Yowled Ivyfur as she turned tail and raced away, the rest of her patrol on her tail.

"We won!" Declared Spottedshine, his tail high. He was bleeding from a torn ear tip and his fur was missing clumps but his eyes shone brightly.

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