Secret Mission- requested by anon (Conor)

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Ever since you met Conor, you had fallen in love with his smile

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Ever since you met Conor, you had fallen in love with his smile. You never saw it that often but when you did, it brought a smile to your own face. Seeing him smile as he hung out with his family, friends or even when he was singing and rapping his heart out on stage. One thing people always noticed was that he didn't smile a lot but that's what made you go out of your way to make him smile.

You were going to surprise him in Cleveland because the two of you live so far away from each other. You had met on a random family vacation a few years ago and ever since that moment, you had kept in touch and become good friends. It all felt pretty natural for the two of you and all your other friends and family seemed to think the same. Since that trip, your families had grown close and now you were practically one big family.

You got everything together and got in the car with your parents. They couldn't join you on the surprise so they're just dropping you off at the airport and someone in the Smith household would be picking you up once you landed. It was pretty normal for different family members to fly between the two places so you were used to this set up except usually Conor would be there.

After hours of sitting on the plane, you finally landed in Cleveland. You made your way off the plane and went through the all too familiar airport before arriving at baggage claim where you waited once again. After standing there and being bored out of your mind for almost half an hour, you finally had your bag and made your way out of the airport and into the parking lot where Kaitlyn and Dena were waiting for you.

"Hey K! It's so good to see you guys again. It's been way too long since all of us have been together." you said as you ran towards Kaitlyn and pulled her into a hug

"I know, I've missed you and your family over the past few months. It's been crazy without your constant visits. I know everyone really missed you. Especially mom and Conor." she said as you pulled away from the hug and made your way to hug Dena.

"Well, I missed you guys like crazy. I'm never going this long without a visit ever again. Did Conor question where you guys were headed?"

"We told him we were going to get some stuff for Kaitlyn's dorm room so he didn't question further."

"Awesome. Can we stop for food first? I'm starving and I know the boys will love me for bringing them some fast food haha. Maybe even a doughnut or two."

---- Time Skip ----

"Ok so you two go back in the house and just act like you normally would then I'm going to walk in a little after you. Just make sure everyone is in the main room so that they're there when I walk in. Does that work?"

You watch as they both nod and exit the car. You wait a couple minutes before leaving the car, making sure to lock it. You'll grab your stuff from the car after the surprise but right now your goal is to put a huge smile on everyone's face. You can already imagine the looks on their faces.

Brendan and Patrick will probably be super excited to see you and even more excited once they notice the food in your hands. Erica will no doubt run right to you and hug you until someone forces her to let go. Bryan will of course give you a tight hug before pulling the three youngest Smiths away from you. Lastly, Conor will probably stand there shocked for a minute before finally realizing what's going on and giving you a long hug and offering to help you bring your bags inside.

As you make your way quietly into the house, you notice all the questions coming from the various family members. Everyone was asking questions wondering why they had all been called into the living room and more importantly, if they had done something to get them in trouble.

"Honey, I'm home!" you shout as you round the corner and make your presence known.

Just as you expected, the youngest three Smith's were running at you full force full of hugs and excitement as Bryan slowly made his way to greet you. Conor was frozen on the recliner still processing your sudden presence in his home before getting up and pulling you into a hug.

"What the heck? Aren't you supposed to be all the way back home? Did your whole family come?"

"Sadly just me this time but I thought I would surprise you guys! It's been too long since I've been with my second family you know? I missed everyone."

You watched as he smiled and pulled you into a hug. It was moments like this that you loved the most about being friends with Conor and having his family practically be an extension of your own. Seeing how happy everyone was just brightens your day, especially seeing a smile on Conor's face.

Seeing him smile really made the trip worth it for you. You're working hard to pay for your own schooling and on top of that, you were working on building your own brand which doesn't come cheap. Constant trips flying to and from LA back to your home or even to the Smith's wasn't cheap but every moment you got to spend with them was more than worth it.

A/N: sorry for the surprising lack of actually having Conor in this but hopefully you enjoyed it!

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