Stuck At Home- requested by Tiah (CNCO- Chris)

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The current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic was already frightening enough for you since you're such an over thinker but it really didn't help that you have a young child and your husband travels a lot

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The current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic was already frightening enough for you since you're such an over thinker but it really didn't help that you have a young child and your husband travels a lot. Luckily he was tested and everything came back negative so there was nothing to worry about.

Unfortunately, the city has been pretty much shut down and everyone is stuck in quarantine until further notice. Chris had been sent to go do some grocery shopping the previous week so your house is well stocked but it sucked that your child, especially since he is a toddler, has to be cooped up in the house all day.

You're 4 months pregnant and now you're even more worried about it all because you don't want anything to possibly happen to your baby. You've still been going to doctor's appointments but due to everything going on, you've been attending them alone. The doctor's office won't let Chris join you because they want to keep the number of people in the clinic to a minimum but at least that means he can keep your son occupied.

"Hey CJ, come downstairs and help me with the cookies ok?" you shouted from the kitchen as you pulled out all the ingredients for triple chocolate chip cookies.

"Coming mama." you heard back before hearing small footsteps followed by a set of larger ones.

"Chris? Baby? What did I tell you about wearing your dirty shoes through the house? Go change into your slippers or just take the shoes off."

You heard his all too familiar laugh before feeling him wrap his arms around you and resting his hands on your growing belly.

"Mi amor, I'm sorry. I will go change right now. Don't start without me though." he said before placing a kiss on your cheek and walking towards the front hall.

"Come on baby. Step up on the stool and start getting the chocolate ready for me."

Your son nodded and grabbed the bag of dark chocolate chips before pouring it into the measuring cup and repeating the process with the white chocolate. As he focused on his task, Chris came bounding back into the kitchen and started to do as you asked.

After a solid hour of trying to get your husband and son to help without spilling things everywhere, the cookies are finally in the oven and now all that's left to do is wait for them to finish baking. Chris built a pillow fort in the living room using your dining room chairs as structural report for the blankets . He decided that the best way to spend the day is to spend it watching movies and eating snacks in a pillow fort as a family.

He's usually on a balanced diet due to touring and performances but since they'll be having an unknown amount of time off, he thought it wouldn't hurt to pig out with his wife and child. Your son was beyond excited to see the new layout of the living room as he ran under the fort with his marvel blanket trailing behind him.

"Alright CJ, your find a comfortable spot and decide on a movie with mama. I will go check on our cookies and bring them out with some more snacks. Do you want apple juice or milk?" Chris said before walking towards the kitchen.

"I want juice Papa. Thank you."

You smiled to yourself watching their interaction. One of the things you love the most about Chris is how good he is with children. You first saw it when he was playing with Aaliyah then it was during a family dinner at his place and again when he met your family. He was constantly showing you just how great of a father he would be.

When everything was set up, the three of you enjoyed your time together and before you knew it, your son was peacefully asleep on Chris's chest as he slept with one arm wrapped around you and the other around your son. You carefully reached for the remote and turned off the tv before snuggling against his side and falling asleep with them.

It was moments like this that made you cherish the small things. If this pandemic never happened, you wouldn't have had a day like this with your two favourite people. Just relaxing and taking your minds off everything else happening around you.


A/N: Thanks for requesting! Sorry it took so long to get posted but I had a lot of previous things scheduled. I hope you enjoyed it!

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