Cookies and Tears (CNCO- Chris)

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A/N: Someone sent in a suggestion of teaching one of the boys to cook but I thought teaching them to bake would be fun as we get closer to cozy season! Hope you enjoy.

You grew up being penpals with Chris, yes that sounds crazy but your moms have been best friends all their lives but got separated when your parents got married and moved to a different country. They always kept in contact and eventually their friendship got passed down to you and Chris. Your parents would set up vacations together but throughout the rest of the year when you were separated, you sent letters to each other. It was something the two of you had done ever since you started to read and write and it continued until the two of you turned 18 and finally had the ability to fly out and see each other.

Throughout all the back and fourth you became best friends which is why you're currently in his kitchen trying to teach him the art of baking. This man is always asking for you to bake cookies for him so you thought it would make sense to teach him. His mom openly laughed at the idea of Chris being able to make cookies but you were determined for him to learn.

"Ok so I brought all of the ingredients over, all we need is to grab the equipment. Here's the list, now grab the stuff because I don't know where you put it." you said as you started unloading the bags onto the countertops.

Bowls clattered on the counter, cabinets slamming closed, drawers being opened and lots of digging was all you heard as Chris dug around the kitchen to get everything off the list. After a few minutes Chris has his arms loaded with everything you needed and clumsily placed it on the counter next to you.

"Now what do we do?" he asked as he looked over your shoulder at the cook book in your hands.

"We follow the instructions and before you know it, we'll have the best triple chocolate cookies in the world."

You told Chris what the steps were and helped him when needed. He had no clue what it meant to cream the sugar and butter together and tried to grab cream from his fridge and pour it into the bowl. Thankfully you caught him before he ruined the cookies on the first step. From there it was a lot of "no Chris", "don't eat that" and "stop throwing stuff at me".

"Ok so this is the fun part, now we get to mix the chocolate chips and the white chocolate chunks into the dough. Just pour the chocolate that we measured out earlier into the bowl with the dough and turn on the mixer again."

"Y/n? We might have a problem...we don't have enough chocolate."

"What do you mean? We measured it all out at the start. A cup of each right?"

"I may have been eating it while we made the dough. I didn't know that you only brought enough for the cookies."

"Chris, I told you not to eat anything. You're lucky I love you. Put what's left of the chocolate into the bowl so we can start baking them."

He blushed a bit from embarrassment before laughing and doing as told. Once everything is fully incorporated, the two of you ball up the dough and place it on the cookie sheets and finally place it in the preheated oven. You set a timer on your phone and began cleaning up the mess that Chris made.

"Chris, can you get the cookies out of the oven? They should be ready now." you asked.

He made a sound of agreement before reaching into the oven and quickly yelling out in pain and dropping the whole tray of fresh baked cookies.

"Oh my gosh. What happened? Are you ok?" you questioned as you ran into he kitchen.

You walk in to see Chris holding his hand and a mess of cookies on the floor and in the oven. Walking closer to Chris, you notice the tears in his eyes and the redness of the hand he's cradling. Without a second thought you ran to his bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit before bringing it back to the kitchen. You pulled his arm and sat yourself on the counter before pulling out the right materials to help with the burn.

"Chris, how are you feeling? Why didn't you wear an oven mitt?"

"No lo sé, supongo que no estaba pensando. Solo queria comerme las galletas. (I don't know, I guess I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to eat the cookies." he whispered.

If Chris wasn't in so much pain right now, you would be laughing at how he looked like a child being scolded for touching a hot stove after being told not to do so. He almost looked guilty, like he knew what he did was wrong but you couldn't actually get mad at him because let's be honest, he's your best friend and you're fully aware of how excited he gets over things which often leads to caution and sense being thrown out the window.

"I can't believe I just cried in front of you."

"Chris, you literally just burned your hand. It's ok to cry because of that. You stay here and I'm going to see what we can salvage from these cookies."

He nodded and sat on the counter as he watched you clean up his mess and transfer the good cookies onto a plate. After you cleaned up the chocolate from the oven and the floor, you opened his fridge and grabbed the jug of chocolate milk before pouring it into two cups and sprinkling a pinch of salt into each cup.

"Now, we feast and watch Christmas movies."

"But it's the middle of September?"

"Did I stutter? Christmas movies are acceptable all the time mi querido (my dear)."

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