Strangers (CNCO- Richard)

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A/N: kind of inspired by the song  by the Jonas Brothers

The music was loud and all he could think about was how he'd rather be anywhere but at home dealing with all the drama of the tabloids. He was usually pretty good at ignoring all the headlines but something about the headlines just set him off today. They were all talking trash about his personal life and one single headline involving his daughter was all it took for him to go off on a twitter rant which in turn had his phone blowing up with calls from the bands management team.

He looked around the room, watching as everyone enjoyed their night out with friends, significant others and complete strangers as he sat in the corner of the club fuming. He turned off his phone and decided not to tell anyone where he was. He knew in the morning when he turned his phone back on, it would be blowing up with notifications but at this moment he didn't care.

As his continued to survey the room, he noticed a girl sat across the room with a look of pure boredom and slight frustration. She was surrounded by friends who only seemed to be there to find a Friday night hookup rather than having a girl night out.

He didn't know what it was, maybe it was the fact that also seemed to be having a miserable time but something drew him to her. His eyes were glued to her and he felt like there was some sort of invisible pull drawing his attention to her. He felt like he was stuck in a trance. The longer he looked at her, the more he wanted to cross the room and talk to her.

It was like they had known each other in a past life and his soul was calling out to hers. Before he knew it, she had turned and caught his stare. He wanted to look away, to pretend like he wasn't just staring at her for the past 5 minutes but he couldn't. His body was frozen and now they were stopped and captivated by each other.

He wasn't sure what he felt but all he knew was that she felt familiar, almost like they had known each other in a different life and now their hearts were pulling them back together. It couldn't be love at first sight right? There was no way. He didn't believe in that, honestly he wasn't sure he even believed in love at all anymore. After everything that went down with his last relationship, he wasn't sure he would ever find the one for him.

Something about the way she looked into his eyes made him feel something different though. Maybe this could work out. Maybe this was what his heart had been searching for this whole time.

The lights in the club flashed as he grabbed his drink and made his way across the room with the goal of talking to the mysterious girl who caught his eye. He tried to keep his eyes trained on her as he pushed and squeezed past everyone else in the club. It felt like every step he took forward, only resulted in people pushing him two steps back. The frustration that was already coursing through his body only seemed to build into anger. With one final step, he made it across the room only to see the empty table.

The one that had previously been occupied by the girl who caught his attention and the one who felt unbelievably familiar to him. With a disappointed sigh, he turned and made his way to the exit of the club only to see the retreating figure of the girl he was so desperately trying to talk to.

As he watched her walk through the doors, he prayed a short prayer that if she was meant to be in his life, they would find each other again.

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