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  • Dedicated to Feather Queen of the Blazewings

Crimson stood in horror watching the face of her terrified sister. Feather looked over her shoulder. She turned back to the tiny 2 year old dragonet in front of her. Crimson could hear roaring, wing beats, and the pounding and scraping of claws on the earth. Feather turned to Crimson. "Crimson run!" She roared in panic. Crimson barely had time to turn around when the soldiers broke through the under growth. They grabbed Feather. She struggled and fought to free herself. She gave one last look at her baby sister "Run!" And Crimson ran. She ran as fast as she could until she couldn't run anymore. She found a small entrance to a dark tunnel and started creeping down it. She gave a last look over her shoulder. Grief washed over her. She would probably never see her sister again. She held back her tears and dove into the darkness of the tunnels. She would be safe here.

Book 1: A Hybrid Named Crimson (Wings of Fire Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now