Chapter 8

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Takara stared at the kitchen. "Can I cook you a meal to show my appreciation?"

My parents exchanged nervous glances. "Sure?"

Takara nodded and began to work. I sat by the dining table and watched him.

Inside, I wanted hug him, tell him how much I was glad he was still alive. But I knew better. He would just shrug it off.

He placed four bowls of rice on the table with teriyaki chicken and broccoli on the side. For drinks, he poured four glasses of green tea.

"This is amazing," my mom declared. "Where did you learn this recipe?"

Takara smiled. "I was taught how to cook by my grandmother in Okinawa whenever I visited her."

"Why aren't you eating," I asked. "Aren't you hungry?"

"Sorry," he apologized. "I just wanted to make sure I did a good job before I ate it."

My dad frowned.

After dinner, I took Takara to the guest room. The room was across from mine and directly next to the bathroom. It had a twin sized bed, one dresser filled with clothes from when dad was a teen, a closet full of my old books and toys, and a window that overlooked the backyard.

"This will be your room," I said as I lead him inside. "I hope its okay."

"Its fine," he said. "Thanks again for taking me in."

"No problem," my dad said as he walked in. "Just don't do anything funny with my daughter."

I wanted to shoo my dad away but he had a right to be cautious.

"My dad always told me that a father who protects his daughter is a loving parent." Takara bowed. "I'm glad to be staying with a caring parent."

I almost giggled at the puzzled look on my dad's face. He walked out without another word.

"I should probably take a shower," Takara said. "I don't think I should get this room dirty over night."

"You're going to bed already?"

He sighed. "Being dead for a few hours takes a toll on you. And thats not counting the millions of uncomfortable questions I got today."

"Oh. Okay."

He opened the drawers and pulled out a Star Wars t-shirt and torn jeans. He nodded and walked into the bathroom. I walked into my bedroom and laid down on my bed. What now? Takara doesn't want to talk about his experience with death.

I looked at the clock. 9:30. I guess I'll go to bed, I thought to myself. I picked up a pair of pajamas and slid into them. I turned off the lights in my room and fell asleep with countless questions roaming in my head.

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