Chapter 13

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Takara was in the kitchen when I woke up. He was cooking breakfast. Dad stared at him from the dining table and mom looked at dad with worry.

"Good morning," I said in a sing-song voice.

"Good morning," Takara called. "How do you want your eggs?"

"Scrambled, please." I sat down. "Hi, mom. Don't you have work today?"

"I took the day off," she replied. "I felt that I needed to talk to SOMEONE about their anger issues."

Dad flinched.

Mom wasn't a scary looking person. In fact, its amazing how dad was able to marry a woman like her. She was a slender woman with reddish hair and baby blue eyes. She looked like she was in her mid 20's with her wrinkle free face. She kept her hair cut above her shoulders and wore a little bit of makeup.

"Takara," my mom called. "When you're done, can you come in here?"

"Sure thing," he said with a surprisingly lively voice.

Five minutes later, breakfast was on the table and everyone was eating. My plate had scrambled eggs with bacon strips and white toast on the side. The meal was well cooked, making me wonder how he had been so skinny with these cooking skills.

"Takara, did Mike beat you last night?" My dad's face went flush and Takara's face went blank.

"Yes. But he had a good reason." My dad's face became so pale I thought he'd turn to snow. "It was a misunderstanding. I called him, 'otosan' which is Japanese for father, but since he didn't know that, he thought I insulted him so he decided to punish me."

"Now why on Earth would you whip him over a name?" My mom's glare fell on dad and he seemed to shrink in his chair. "I'm waiting Mike."

"He-he's been on my nerves since he got here!" My dad threw his hands up. "He went into Brooklyn's room, he let Brooklyn sleep with him the night before, he speaks Japanese at random times, and most of all, I had to adopt him!"

"And where in the adoption papers does it say, 'Feel free to beat your new child if he irritates you?'" My dad fell silent. My mom turned her attention back to Takara. "How's your back, sweetie?"

"I'll be fine, Mrs. Hudson. There's a slight pain but-"

"No need to be formal around your mother," she interrupted.

"Okay, mom. I still have some pain but I should be fine."

"Good." She finished her eggs and picked up her plate. "I'll do the dishes. Why don't you spend your Saturday with your sister?"

"Thank you," he said as he bowed.

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