Pacifiers ( part 1 )

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" Hello, I Prescelti Otto. It's time for the mission. One last mission till the biggest deal. " a man said with a mask with an iron hat, a checkered design partly drawn on it and a metal eye-mask, as well as a slight smirk on the face. The mask also has a scar on its left cheek and a checkered pattern on its right cheek. He also carries a cane and wears a dark trench coat.

" checkerface , please put the letter on the table and leave. " Luce said calmly but she's glaring at him with Reborn and the others.

" Yes, yes. " the man called ' checker face ' by Luce chuckles as he walks towards the table. Tsuna is now behind Reborn and arcobaleno as he watch the man walk in front the table and put a white letter. Tsuna as a five-year old which is short can't see anything will would be curious and decided to have a little peek and see what is it.

' Damn it, Tsuna ! ' Reborn thinks as he knows that Tsuna is peaking to see the letter.

Checker face of course saw the brown spiky hair and walks towards the arcobalenos. All the arcobaleno became stiff as he walks towards them. Suddenly, he just disappear. When they thoughts it was safe to move, a voice came behind Reborn.

" how did you get here, little one ? " Checker face said while patting Tsuna's head.

" I got here by Uncle Reborn. " Tsuna said as he stares at Checker face.

' The name... His hand feels...familiar... Wait ! Could it be !? ' Tsuna thinks as he remembered a man who is eating ramen. Checker face looks at him like he knows what Tsuna is thinking while smiling and put one of his fingers on his lips, making a ' shuss ' sound as Tsuna nods.

" well, gotta go then. Until next time, I Prescelti Otto. " Checker face said as he disappears again, but this time for real.

After checker face is finally gone, the arcobaleno went to see if Tsuna is fine.

" Tsuna ! Do you know that is dangerous ?! peaking out ?! You can just wait for the man to go ! " Luce said with a slightly angry.

" I'm sorwy... " Tsuna said , purposely saying wrong the word because Nana becomes angry a few times when he got hurt and that did the work by a second, because of his cuteness.

" It's okay ~~ Next time be careful , alright ! " Luce said as she hugs Tsuna tightly and then put him down.

" For the real question, how did you know him ? " Reborn asks.

" Indeed, Tsunayoshi. How did you know checker face ? " Fon said gently.

' Still, looking at a person with the same face as Kyoya and different personality makes weird... ' Tsuna thinks and spaced out. Tsuna eventually got shot by Reborn near his right foot.

" HHHIIIIEEE ! " Tsuna shouted as Rebron smirks.

" Main question, How did you Tsunayoshi meet checker face ? " Verde says as he pushes his glasses.

" It's started one day... " Tsuna starts his memories when he met checker face.

* flashback *

One day, Tsuna was playing hide-and-seek with Yamamoto , Kyoko , Hana , Ryohei and Hibari. Hibari was IT , so everyone hide in Namimori. Tsuna and his friends went running to an alley and they got separated. Tsuna continue to walk. Soon, he pass by a shop with a purple fog or mist surrounding it. Tsuna decided to go in and see as it was so special. He went inside to find a man with white hair, pale skin, and a pair of round glasses. He is wearing a plain green kimono while eating ramen. The man looked shocked as he stops eating. The man walks forwards towards Tsuna and knee down to the same height as Tsuna.

" little one, how did you get here ? " the man said surprised.

" I was playing hide-and-seek with my friends and I got separated from the others. I continue to walk, soon I found this store with some purple mist covering here. So I came inside. " Tsuna said innocently.

" I'm Kawahira. You can just call me Uncle Kawahira. " the man called Kawahira said as he pushes his glasses.

" okay, Uncle Kawahira ! " Tsuna said as he stands there.

" Why are you still here ? Aren't you playing hide-and-seek with your friends ? " Kawahira said continue to eat his ramen.

" I decided to hide here ! " Tsuna said happily as Kawahira sighs.

" then make yourself home. I'll go and make green tea for the two of us. " Kawahira said as he went to make green tea.

" Okay. " Tsuna said as he finds a seat while looking at every thing and he saw an orange pacifier. Tsuna was going to touch it but Kawahira came back and the orange pacifier disappeared. Tsuna took a cup of green tea and drink it. Tsuna then gone back home after he finish his cup of green tea. From that day on, If Tsuna have nothing to do or playing hide-and-seek, he would go to Kawahira's shop because nobody can find him.

* end of flashback *

" so you mean that the checker face is a citizen at Namimori ?! " Reborn said shocked.

" Suppose so. " Tsuna said unsure.

" Hey, that's not the main point ! Okay, it's counted as 1 of the main point, but the another question is, Tsuna, you saw an orange pacifier ?! like this one but in the colour orange ?! " Luce said shocked as she holds Reborn's yellow pacifier at her hand. (For your information : they haven't turned to babies yet but, they have their pacifiers.)

" Yeah, but it was glowing. " Tsuna said as he remember the beautiful orange colour.

" oh no, is this why I didn't get my pacifier ? Has it chosen its owner ? No...but then it can't be Tsuna. He..he's just so young... " Luce mumble and spaced out.

" huh ? " Tsuna asks not understanding Luce.

" I'm sorry... Tsuna. " Luce said as she looks at Tsuna sadly.

' her eyes, looks so sad... ' Tsuna thinks as he looks at the her blue eyes.

" W-what ? I don't understand you, Luce-san. " Tsuna said as he tilts his head cutely.

" me too, what does it means these pacifiers ? " Skull said pointing at his pacifiers.

" erm...the pacifiers represent- " before Luce finishes her sentences, Colonello interrupted.

" There's a bunch of man coming here. They seem to found out our meeting spot ! " Colonello said as everyone rushed out of there. Each of them walks their own path except for Reborn because Tsuna is with him.

" what does the pacifier means, Uncle Reborn ? " Tsuna asks curiously.

" We'll see Luce later, first let's get out of here. " Reborn said as he is hiding at one of the branches of a tree.

" Okay. " Tsuna said as he follows Reborn.

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