A new discovery and thoughts

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" WWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHAAAAAAATTTT ? " Tsuna , Skull then Verde , Fong , Luce , Colonnello and Lal screamed.

" yup. WE are gonna train my nephew so he won't get hunt down by his sister. " Reborn said while drinking his espresso.

' he said like it was the most obivous thing in the world ! ' all the arcobaleno sweat dropped.

" because it is the most obivious thing since I said it twice. " Reborn answered and drinking his espresso.

" don't read my mind ! Reborn ! " Skull yelled while Tsuna pouts.

" I didn't, I just guessed . " Reborn said again with a smirk.

" Everyone stop, he is coming here. " Luce said with a stern face.

' Who is he ? ' Tsuna thinks as the Arcobaleno changes their face to stern and business faces.

" it's that time already ? I must have miscounted. " Reborn said shadowing his eyes with his fedora.

" yes, and he is here. " Luce said sternly as everyone goes on guard while waiting for the door to open. Who knows what may happen ? Maybe a smoke bomb ? Maybe a few guns came in , aiming at them ? The arcobaleno's are wanted in the Mafia world , you know ! They even have that cute Tsuna there, he might even get hurt !

The doors opened revealing a man's shadow.

At Japan , Namimori , Sawada house,

" mama , I'm home. " Yukihime said opening the door.

" Welcome home , Yuki-chan. " Nana said with a half smile.

" What are we having for dinner ? " Yukihime asked again.

" We are having ramen, Yuki-chan. " Nana said continue cooking.

" Alright then , I'm going to my room then. " Yukihime said walking upstairs.

" Un. I'll call you when dinner's ready. " Nana said from the kitchen as Yukihime walk upstairs.

Nana's POV,

' the brat , she came home later than normal , she must have bullied another person then . I even got a call from the teacher , she didn't do her homework yet , unlike Tsu-kun.' I think as I start to cook.

' how is Tsu-kun going ? I didn't receive any phone calls. I hope he doesn't trip or be clumsy or something that hurt himself. ' I think again while tasting the soup for the ramen.

' its almost ready, gonna see if the noodles are done boiling... Hm... I'm gonna kill Reborn later for not calling me unless there's a perfect reason for me to accept. ' I think walking to a small board at the kitchen and I wrote a ' I'm gonna kill Reborn later for not calling me. ' on a yellow sticker and stick on a small white board beside the stove.

' Hm... Still not boiled yet. Have to wait for another... 6 minutes. ' I think again.

End of Nana's POV.

Yukihime's POV , at her pinkish room. (Ps: no offense to those who like pink.)

' after that Dame-Tsuna gone off. Yamamoto-san , the Sasagawa siblings and Hibari-senpai had been giving me the glaring saying 'when I know that my precious friend left because of you , you're gonna die painfully' and Hibari-senpai bitten me up more than usual , sometimes for no reason at all ! ' I think as I went to take my exercise books, and starts to do my homework.

' If Dame-Tsuna is here, I can always copy his homework. Now he's not here, I keep on getting punishment from teacher for not paying attention and not doing homework. I'm surprised mama didn't scold me yet , so they haven't taken action yet huh. ' I think as I smile , I can get good grades by buying the teachers.

" Yuki-chan , dinner's ready. " I heard mama's shouting from below.

' gonna eat my favorite dish , Ramen ! ' I think as I walk downstairs and eat dinner Without touching her homework.

end of Yukihime's POV.

At a certain sushi shop called ' Takesushi '.

The older yamamoto is making sushi while the younger yamamoto stare at the ceiling.

" What's wrong , Takeshi ? " Tsuyoshi said surprised his son.

" Ahaha , nothing's wrong , otou-san " Yamamoto said sratching his hair.

" I know everything about you , is it because of Tsu- " Tsuyoshi said but interrupt by Yamamoto.

" otou-san , I'm going upstairs for a while. Call me when dinner's done ! " Yamamoto said rushing upstairs.

" What happen to that boy. Where's Tsuna-kun ? I heard from Nana-san ,he went to Italy with his uncle. " Tsuyoshi said to himself then continue to make sushi.

Yamamoto's POV , at his room,

" Tsuna , he just left without saying goodbye. What does this means ? Is he abandoning me ? " I said to myself staring at the ceiling.

" He didn't even tell me anything. Then I will have to wait for him then. When he comes back , I'm gonna have him a fist fight. And bugged him till he blushes. It's gonna be fun. " I said then I heard my father's voice. I'll deal with him later when I call him.

end of Yamamoto's POV.

At Sasagawa's house , their parents are not here , they went too a business trip for a week and Hana is having dinner with them.

" onii-chan , Hana , what do you think happen to Tsuna-kun ? He left without saying anything. If it's not the teacher told us that he moved to Italy , I thought of barging his house and drag that bratty sister of his and give it to Hibari-san to beat her up. " Kyoko said panicking then angry then sad.

" it's going to extremely okay ! " Ryohei shouted , in his mind - when he comes back , I'm gonna have a fight with him !

" yeah , like your monkey brother said. He's gonna be alright. When he comes back , I'm gonna give him a full out lecture about leaving without telling us. " Hana said trying to cheer Kyoko up which it did.

" Thank you , Hana. When he comes back , I'm gonna play with him along with Takeshi. "Kyoko said happily.

' Oh my , he's gonna get it. A sadist Kyoko is a sad memory. ' Hana thinks.

At Hibari household, the Hibari's parents are never at home , they only send money here and never visits.

' Hn , omnivore not here , no fun anymore. Tch , he left. Like my parents. ' Hibari thinks as he sits at his big window and then he dashed out. Tetsuya Kusakabe looking at this and sighs thinking , ' another more people gonna be in the hospital. Where's Tsuna-san now. Is he alright ? Ah , can't think that now, gotta finish this paperwork first. ' as he starts to do the piles of paperwork.

At Yugimuda's house,

" brat , come out and eat. " Nagi's mom called out while her husband eats quietly.

" Yes , mother. " Nagi came as she sits and eats her dinner.

" Have you done your things yet ? Language ? Homework ? " Nagi's mom said.

' They only cared about their tool like me. To be a tool for their company. ' Nagi thinks and then she answered.

" Yes , mother. I have finish everything. " Nagi said as she was pushed upstairs to sleep without even finishing half of her dinner.

" Good now sleep. " Nagi's mom said as she eats dinner.

" Yes , goodnight , father , mother. " Nagi said as she walk upstairs. Her parents ignore her and eats their dinner.

Nagi's room, Nagi lying on her indigo bed.

' where's Tsu? He left me behind just everyone else. Is he abandoning me ? ' Nagi thinks as she sleeps. The night is still young , everyone is thinking about another person. While the other side , what will happen next ? Who is the man ?! Is he dangerous ? Read the next chapter to find out !

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