Kagehina - Hi-YA!

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Smack! The volleyball ricocheted off the gym floor and bounced into the corner. Hinata grimaced and snuck a peek towards a, currently, very angry setter. It wasn't just any setter, unfortunately, this setter was the King of the court, Kageyama.

And the King was known to have a temper.

"Dumbass!" Kageyama shouted, gently hitting Hinata on the head.

The hit spurred Hinata to start shouting as well and soon the two were in an all out play bicker. Everyone knew it, Kageyama and Hinata always played up their dislike for one other, but nobody could figure out why.

As if to end the fight Hinata stuck his tongue out and rushed behind Suga, grinning once he reached safety. Kageyama huffed but reluctantly stalked off to retrieve the volleyball from the corner.

Soon the sound of squeaky shoes and yelling filled the gym once more.


9:50 pm.

Hinata was as good as dead. He had offered to clean up the gym and thus ended up leaving about an hour after everyone else. Everyone else, that is, besides Kageyama.

His mom was going to kill him.

"Ugh!" Hinata groaned flopping onto the court, "It's going to take me 30 mins to get home and my curfew is in 10!"

Kageyama side eyed his teammate, "She'll understand if it's volleyball, right?"

"No, I've been late the past few nights and she said if I was tonight then I'm grounded."


Hinata rubbed at his heavy eyes, his shirt pulling up slightly, and said, "Why what?"

"Why have you been late the last few nights?"

"I was, uh, doing stuff." Hinata sat up, his face beet red, "Well, I better call her to make sure she knows."

"Wait," Kageyama said, "You can come over to my place, that way you can avoid being grounded."

"Really? Thank you!" He dailed a number and let his mom know he was staying at Kageyamas.


Hinata was surprised that Kageyama was didn't have to call his parents, but when they arrived at Kageyamas house he understood.

His parents weren't home.

Kageyama must have noticed Hinata's confusion because he said, "They're on a business trip."

Hinata nodded, "Cool, so where am I sleeping?"

His teammate began to grow red at that and said, "Well, uh, you can sleep on my bed and I can sleep on the floor. We don't have a guest room."

"You can have the bed Kageyama, I'll be fine on the floor!"

"Okay, well I'll go heat up dinner. Ramen sound good?"

"Sounds great!"

The two boys chowed down on some delicious ramen before heading upstairs. Kageyama, as agreed, took the bed while Hinata got a mat, blanket and pillow on the floor.

The lights were turned off and both laid down to sleep.




"Kageyama, do you think penguins will ever evolve to fly?" Hinata asked.

"No. Go to sleep."

"But it's Friday, we don't gotta get up early tomorrow!"

Kageyama rolled off the bed with a soft thud! And scooted next to Hinata, who was now sitting up.

"Shut. The. Hell. Up."

Hinata stuck out his tongue playfully, "Or what?"

"I'll make you."

Kageyama was suddenly too close, his face hard to see due to the lack of light, but what Hinata could see was... hot.

"K- kagayama?!" Hinata stumbled back, the room was far too hot.

Hands grabbed his shoulders and gently shoved to the ground and he saw Kageyama on top of him.

Hinata had his confidence back, he could play this game, "Wow, I'm so silenced right now." He smirked playfully.

Kageyama just glared in return, "You have one last chance."

"How many did I start w-" He was cut off mid snark by a pair of lips pressed against his.

Hinata knew he'd always felt something for the setter but he never knew it was romantic until now. He pulled him closer and deepened the kiss, accepting Kageyama.

They were sitting up now, the gentleness of the first kiss gone, replaced with desire.

Kageyama pulled away and laid his forehead against Hinata's, breathing heavily.

"Wanna move this somewhere more comfortable?" He mumbled, obviously embarrassed.


The two awkwardly stumbled to the bed and this time Hinata pushed Kageyama down, climbing on top to straddle him.

"Hina-" His protests at bottoming were quickly cut off by Hinata gently biting at his neck.

He moaned. Tobio Kageyama actually moaned.

Hinata moved his mouth around his neck, sucking, biting, licking. Just testing the waters and Kageyamas reactions.

He moaned and squirmed and, at one point, hid his red face in his hands, but Hinata pulled Kageyamas hands away and muttered sweet nothings. Which made the problem worse.

Finally, Hinata moved away from the bruised neck and made his way back to Kageyamas face. He kissed Kageyamas cheeks, forehead, nose, lips, head, everywhere he could.

He leaned down once more and the two shared a deep kiss, pulling away after a minute after they had run out of breath.

Hinata collasped next to Kageyama and snuggled into his warm embrace. He felt Kageyamas arms wrap around him and his hands began to lightly play with Hinata's hair.

"Hey Kageyama?"

He grunted in response.

"So penguins will evolve to fly?"

Kageyama chuckled before flicking Hinatas head and muttering, "Dumbass." Under his breath.

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