Bokuaka - Shut Up

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The volleyball slammed on the other side of the court, ending the 3v3 match during Fukurodani's practice.

The losers sighedand began to jog around the court, it was a new pushiment instituted to motivate the team. In practice matches against other schools they changed the penalty for losing to flying laps around the court.

"Hey hey hey!" A voice shouted from the winning team, "Akaashi, did you see that?"

Akaashi turned and looked the the highschooler yelling. Bokuto.

"Yes." He simply stated, trying to not get the boy any more or less excited.

Bokuto sometimes got a little rowdy and the coach would punish him by making Akaashi and him clean up the gym after practice. Akaashi only had to because he was the only who would.

Unfortunately, his simple answer could not deter the simple man's excitement.

"YEA! I am AWESOME! Hey hey HEY!" Bokuto yelled, throwing his fists in the air in excitement.

"Bokuto, quiet!" Yamiji yelled, "If you have that much energy then you and Akaashi can clean the gym today!"

Bokuto immediately yelled in protest, "I'm sorry coach! One more chance? It won't happen again!"

Yamiji grumbled and complained but, in the end, he agreed.

Bokuto spun around and smiled at Akaashi, proud of himself for getting them out of another punishment.

He sighed, "Just keep it that way, okay?"

"Yessir!" Bokuto exclaimed, mock saluting Akaashi with a lopsided smile on his face.

Fuck, his smile is really cute.


They played one more 3v3 which, once again, ended with Bokuto's team as the victors. Akaashi knew what was coming. He had to stop it somehow, otherwise he would end up cleaning the gym with Bokuto for the third time this week.

Bokuto thrust his fists in the air and yelled, "HEY HEY H-"


There was a pair of warm lips on his own. An arm snaked around his body. Then, as soon as it started, the other person ended the kiss, pulling far enough away for Bokuto to see his face.

"A- akaashi?!" He exclaimed, face brighter than a tomato at that point.

Akaashi looked at Bokuto and simply said, "It was the fastest way to shut you up."

The arm was removed from his waist and Bokuto, consequently, fell to the ground.

He was, for the first time in his life, speechless.

Did Akaashi really just kiss him?


For the next week, whenever Bokuto got too rowdy or too loud an arm would wrap around his waist and a soft pair of lips would be pressed to his for a brief second.

That week was, by far, the most silent week Fukurōdani had ever experienced since Bokuto joined. Bokuto was rendered speechless for a good hour after the kisses, giving the team more concentration than ever during practices.

No one ever objected the system, it was simple, effective and useful. Besides, neither party involved seemed to mind it either.

But Bokuto had come up with an idea. Or really, Kuroo had. But he gave Bokuto permission to say the plan was his, so that counts for something, right?

He asked to go to Akaashi's house one day, saying he wanted to 'study' for an upcoming test. Akaashi agreed and now he was sitting in his bedroom, pretending to study when he was really sneaking glances at Akaashi.

"What?" Akaashi asked, "I can practically feel you burning a hole into my skull.

Bokuto jumped, he really thought he was being sneaky.

"Nothing, Akaashi! I'm just really excited to be studying with you!" Bokuto exclaimed, leaning over the small table to grasp the others hands.

Akaashi's face instantly turned red, he gently pried his hands free and began to read something out of their math textbook.

Bokuto could not focus for the life of him. Math, and school in general, was just so boring! Volleyball is way better.

It was finally time to put his plan in action.

"Akaashi!" He yelled, throwing his hands up in an effort to be even more annoying.

Akaashi's head snapped up, "Bokuto! You gotta be quiet! My mom is doing work downstairs."

"But I'm just so excited! Hey Hey HEY!"

Akaashi practically leaped over the table, knocking over Bokuto in a futile attempt to shut him up. They both tumbled to the ground, Akaashi straddling Bokuto's hips.

He leaned in close and whisper-yelled, "Shut up!"

Bokuto, not one to be so easily silenced, raised an eyebrow and said the most dangerous words ever.

"Make me."

That was all it took. Akaashi's lips were on his in an instant. Bokuto grabbed Akaashi's waist, pulling him closer as the kiss got steamy. He swipped Akaashi's lip with his tongue, asking for entrance, which he soon got.

Akaashi moaned when Bokuto's fingers dug into his hips. Their tongues fought for dominance, Akkashi letting Bokuto win after a short scrimmage.

Far too soon, in both boy's opinion, they seperated, a string of salive connected them.

Akaashi smiled, it was really more of a smirk, "That seemed to shut you up."

"A- akaashi!"

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