Kagehina - Caffeine

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"Shoyo, your friend is here!" Hinata's mom yelled from downstairs.

A muffled "Coming!" was screamed in response before a orange haired ball of energy came barrelling down the stairs.

Kageyama stood at the entrance of the house. Shoulders hunched, hands in his pockets, adorable (as always).

Hinata said goodbye before closing the door and officially starting his and Kageyamas first date!

"Where should we go, 'Yama?"

"Well, there's a coffeeshop further down or we can head to the park."

Hinata nodded sagely, as if he was about to make a wise decision.

He spoke, making his voice deeper to appear older, "Yes, two very fine options. Hmmm. I vote coffeeshop."

Kageyama laughed a little and gave him a light smack, "Dumbass."

The two continued walkng and chatting until they reached the small, quaint, hole in the wall cafe.

They ordered and sat down at a table in the corner, talking absentmindedly about this and that. Mainly volleyball though.

"I got a vanilla latte with honey and a americano for Kageyama!" A voice yelled as two hot drinks were placed on the counter. Kageyama got their drinks and placed the latte in front of Hinata. Cute, as always.

"Oo, Yama, is yours bitter?" Sho asked, staring down at the much darker drink in front of his boyfriend.

"It's more bitter than yours, that's for sure."

"Can I try some?"

"You won't like it."

That was a mistake because as soon as Hinata heard those words he got that look on his face.

"Bet!" He exclaimed right before he grabbed Kageyama's coffee and took a big gulp - really making a show out of it too.

Hinata didn't regret much in his life. He didn't regret going to Karasuno, or dating Kageyama or even that one time one of his female cousins convinced him to let her do his makeup. He rocked it, to be fair.

However, drinking Kageyama's americano? That he regretted. The bitterness set in almost instantly and Hinata's face reacted by scrunching up in displeasure.

"Bleh! That tastes nasty!" He yalled as he pushed the drink back to its rightful owner.

Kageyama normally would be upset, afterall the brat had gotten to drink half of it, but he found himself laughing instead.

"Doofus." He said softly, gazing at Hinata as he quickly begin to drink his latte to counteract the bitterness of the americano.

"Ugh, how do you drnk that 'Yama?"

"I dunno, guess I'm used to it. I basically grew up on black coffee."

Hinata shivered as he imagined how bad black coffee tasted.

"I can barely stand my latte! I have no tolerance for bitterness." Hinata said as he laughed.

Kageyama chuckled and the two finished their drinks in a peaceful silence.


Kageyama and Hinata went to the park afterwards, they still had a good hour before Hinata had to be home and it was chilly so the park would be empty.

As soon as they arrived, Hinata ran over to the empty swings.

Kageyama watched as his boyfriend rushed to the swings and smiled. He'd been doing a lot of that during the date. He walked over and sat on a swing to Hinata's left.

"Wanna see who can swing the highest?" Hinata challenged, a playful grin on his mischievous face.

"You're on."


Kageyama won. His legs were just so much longer than Hinata's that every kick sent him flying.

"So, what's my prize Sho?" Kageyama asked, suddenly very close to Hinata.

"P- Prize?" Hinata stuttered, his shoes scraping the ground to bring his wobbling swing to a halt.

Kageyama smiled, "I won. Dont I get a prize?"

It was a mistake, Hinata thought, to drink that latte earlier. His heart was beating far too fast.

However, not one to back down, Hinata puffed up his chest and crossed his arms.

"Fine, what do you want?"

Now it was Kageyama's turn to be embarrassed. He felt his checks begin to go red as he muttered something.


Kageyama mumbled it a little louder.

"What? 'Yama, speak up, I can't hear you."

"A kiss." Kageyama, finally, said loud enough.

Hinata's face instantly went red. He and Kageyama had kissed before, but it was still new.

Kageyama's face was also fairly red and he turned away to go back to swinging.

"Nevermind, you don't gotta, I-"

"Tobio." Hinata interrupted, his hand stopping his boyfriend's swing.

Kageyama blushed, red hot and searing, "Y-yea?"

Then they were kissing. Hinata's hands were in Kageyama's hair and their lips were moving together. It was gentle, yet filled with an unmistakable passion.

Hinata could still taste the bitter coffee on Kageyama's lips and he suddenly found himself quite liking the taste of americanos.

After a far too short amount of time, they pulled apart. Hinata rested his forehead againt Kageyamas as they just breathed for a second.

"Hey, Tobio?"

"Yeah, Sho?"

"You taste good."

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