Tsukikage - Make Me

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It doesn't bother me.

"Your majesty!"

Ignore him.

Kageyama refused to indulge Tsukishima anymore. He knew that the only reason Tsukishima kept calling him that nickname was to get a reaction to entertain himself, if he saw that it didn't effect Kageyama anymore, he would get bored and move on. Eventually.

But, as the days passed-

"Your Highness!"

The nicknames didn't stop.

"What do you want Tsukishima?" Kageyama finally snapped, glaring at him from where he sat on the grassy area outside the gym.

"Well, King, I just thought I'd let you know that the captain is looking for you."

Kageyama stood up, dusting off his butt and legs, "Don't call me that."

"Oh? Back to demanding? Sounds like our little highness didn't change all that much."

Kageyama clenched his fists, trying to avoid something that would get him in trouble. Daichi was already pissed at him most of the time because of his and Hinata's constant bickering.

Kageyama really didn't need another reason for the captain to be mad at him.


"Make me. Or," Tsukishima smirked, cocking his hip to rest a hand against it, "is the King afraid to actually do something?"

Kageyama rushed forward and grabbed onto Tsukishima's shirt, shoving him back onto the brick wall, eliciting a small gasp.

He yanked Tsukishima down until they were eye to eye, noses practically touching, and for a second they stayed like that.

Kageyama could feel Tsukishima's warm breath on his lips, he could see that his glasses had a small smudge on them and...


Tsukishima was blushing. His cheeks were just flushed a warm pink, his lips were slightly parted and he was looking anywhere but Kageyama's face. Was he angry?

No, he's embarrassed.

Of what? Their proximity? Their position?

Did Tsukishima like-

That thought process caused Kageyama to pause long for Tsukishima to shove him off and stomp away while muttering something under his breath.

Kageyama watched him go, mind still whirling at what Tsukishima's behavior could mean.


Nothing happened for about a week after that ecounter. Tsukishima avoided any situation where he would be alone with Kageyama, reserving his teasing for when others were around.

It wasn't until the next Tuesday, eight days after the 'incident', that Tsukishima finally let his guard down again.

Yamaguchi was with Hinata at some after school study session with Yachi and, for some reason, Daichi trusted Kageyama with the keys to the clubroom.

Tsukishima had slowly been growing more confident in the past week, poking fun at Kageyama with less and less people present and even getting a little physical by lightly shoving him or getting in his personal space to seem even taller and more intimidating.

Really, it shouldn't have been a surprise when Tsukishima was too busy cracking jokes at Kageyama's expense to notice everyone else at already left. And it really shouldn't have been a surprise when Kageyama kept telling him to cut it out and he said "Make me." that Kageyama did.

But it was.

It was a surprise when he felt the rough texture of the wall through his shirt as he was slammed against it and it was a surprise when Kageyama was too close and-

god, he just looks way too good to have just come from practice.

It shouldn't have been a surprise when he felt Kageyama's lips against his, rough and unforgiving but feeling just so right.

It shouldn't have been a surprise. And yet it was. He had no plans, no experience to tell him how to navigate this situation. For the first time in years, Tsukishima found himself relying purely on instinct.

And so he let himself run wild.

He yanked Kageyama closer, closing the distance between them and digging his fingers into the others hips, swallowing up the soft gasps and groans that were just so easy to elicit from his teammate, whose hands were now tangled in his short hair, fingernails scraping ever so slightly against his scalp.

Kageyama gently bit Tsukishima's bottom lip, earning a soft moan, and he eagerly thrust his tongue inside trying to taste as much as he could.

They were both inexperienced and it was probably the worse kiss that either would ever have and yet it felt so good.

Tsukishima trailed his mouth across Kageyama's jaw and down his neck, sucking and biting at he went. He finally found a spot just above Kageyama's collarbone where even just scrapping it with his teeth caused the other to gasp and moan like it was the first time he was ever being touched.

After he was satisfied with the marks dotting Kageyama, Tsukishima allowed himself to be pulled into another kiss, just as rough and demanding as the last, yet even more desperate somehow.

It was angry and rough and they both fought to take control of the situation, biting and licking and sucking to try to assert their own dominance.

It was every bit as incompatible as Tsukishima knew it would be.

And yet, the feeling of Kageyama pressed against him, his skin beneath his fingers, his taste on his tongue, was so intoxicating that, for once, he didn't listen to that voice telling him that it was a mistake. Tsukishima allowed himself to pull Kageyama closer, kiss him harder, get as much of him as possible.

And Kageyama reciprocated.

When Tsukishima finally pulled away to suck air into his aching lungs, he dared to look at Kageyama and immediately regretted it as soon as he felt the familiar heat begin to coil in his stomach at the sight of him.

He looked absolutely wrecked. Kageyama's usually flat hair was sticking out all over the place, his cheeks were flushed, his lips were red and swollen and he was breathing like he'd just run a mile.

And his neck.

That was going yo take a lot of makeup and scarves to hide.


"Well, King, I'd say that was pretty ineffective at shutting me up. Though it seemed to do wonders on you." Tsukishima said, trying to keep any form of composure even as Kageyama leaned forward to begin sucking on his neck.

Kageyama paused, "Shut up Tsukishima."

"Make me."

And it wasn't a suprise when he did.


That was my first ever request so I hope I did this ship justice!!

If you want to request a ship/prompt/trope you can either leave a comment or message me!

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