Blue moon murders

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"How's the stitching going?" Quill asked.

You grimaced, wiping down the rushed repair on your thigh. It stung harshly from the antiseptic wipe. You grunted in reply, bandaging it.

"You should put some pants on." He added. "Drax might get the wrong idea."

You grunted again, not caring who he spoke of. You moved to your bed room with the now ruined pants in your grasp. At least you had the rest of that bounty for a complete gang... The Pokéballs shone brightly as you secured them in the safe. You grumbled, digging through your closet for a change of clothes.

It would take a while for Quilliam to find his ship. This allowed you some time to calm down and clean yourself up before meeting his 'friends'.

Quill guided your ship into his. The nose of your ship opened up into its landing base. You staggered out after him.

"Nice touch, making your ship compatible to all the Ravager crafts." He praised.

"There you are!" A feminine voice growled out. "Who is that-"

You punched and kicked at the green skinned woman, ignoring Quill's yelling. She could barely keep up with your quick jabs and armored gloves. Various cracks sounded from her ribs, jaw and left arm as she tried to fight back. Quill snatched you from behind, quickly turning you upside down.

"Bad Y/N. Bad."

You stayed silent, eyes focused on her. She fell to the ground, a blue skinned woman checking on her. Your muscles were tensed, ready to end her.

"I'm going to put you on the floor." Quill said slowly. "And I am going to ask you not to kill my friend. Okay?"

He took your non-response for a response, gently doing as he said. You stood tall, not sparing him a glance.


"Yeah. That's Ga-"

"I know who she is. Thought I'd never see you again, Nebula." Your voice even. Too even. "How's things?"

"I know you!" A grey skinned man with red markings stepped forward, unsheathing his weapons. "You put me in jail!"

You looked him in the eye,

"What's your name?"

The armed fool spluttered under your uncaring gaze.

"That's Drax." Quill answered.

"There's still a bounty on you." You stated. "You're much slower than Gamora. She's barely breathing. Are you sure you want to take me on? It didn't work out well, if memory serves."

"I am Groot."

"Yeah. She's fucking scary." You heard Rocket comment.

"You aren't explaining, Quill."

"It's like a movie long explanation. She's a good guy now. Really!"

"Summarize it in five words or less. She's not dead because you asked me to stop."

"Well I had to tackle you- okay. Geez. You made me almost pee my pants by looking at me."

You closed your eyes, and untensed your body. This made it seem like you were unguarded, but Drax knew better. Quill gulped.

"Gamora betrayed Thanos. My friend."

You moved to your ship, stopping on the threshold.

"See you, Quill."

"No! Wait!" Quill ran in front of you, arms stretched to block your path. "I know you almost killed Gamora, but stay. I haven't seen you in fifteen years."

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