The Past and Present ~1~

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Hey this is my first original yaoi story. Gonna try and make plenty of chapters to his story.
So if your reading this thank you! Without further ado, here is the story~~~

When Tomoyo Setsuna was a young boy he had a really good friend. His name was Kyou Nanami, he was a little older and quite messed up but they'd been friends since Tomoyo was 7.

When Kyou was 16 he had a son, the mother dumped the child on him and he had to raise him from birth. Kyou had a bad life, he constantly got in trouble with the law. He smoked a lot too.

When Kyou was 20 he died of cancer. Tomoyo was torn apart, Kyous son was very young at the time, his name was Kyoto. Tomoyo never found out what happened to him. Everything happened so fast, he had barely any time to process what had happened.


"Okay, I'll take the next shift." Tomoyo gladly said to his police buddy Lori. "Sure, it's just at the supermarket, I know it's not exciting but there have been quite a few suspicions." Tomoyo nodded and headed out. He was always quite agreeable.

Tomoyo circled his head all around the supermarket, making sure there were no shoplifters. None.

He started eyeing one young boy, when the young boy saw him he quickly averted his eyes. 'Why do so many people get nervous once they see a policeman?' He thought to himself whilst raising his eyebrows at the young boy.

The boy quickly made a run for it. "Hey! Stop right there!" Tomoyo quickly ran after the boy, knocking over boxes of Oreos in the sweets isle.

'Fuck he's fast!'

Tomoyo lost track of the boy. Still carefully looking around incase he appeared.

In the corner of his eye he noticed a figure. 'It's him! Gotta pretend you don't notice, then grab ahold of him...'

*Quickly sidesteps to the right*

"Gotcha!" *Silence* "is something wrong officer?" he asked. 'Wait... that isn't him...' awkwardness spreads across the shop... 'shit...'

Then the boy makes a run for it again. "There you are! I see you! Stop now!" Tomoyo started bolting up the street. Cutting corners as he did, he had a complete fix on him.

*Runs into dark alleyway*

*Catches* The boy struggles and tries to get out of Tomoyos grip. "Calm down!" Tomoyo screeches. "ah! just let me go!!" The boy wailed.

Tomoyo scoffs. "Just listen up okay."

Tomoyo grabs handcuffs and places on boys hands, then locks. "I'm taking you to the station. We have some questions for you." Grabs by shirt and drags to car. 'He doesn't look like he's had a good past.' Tomoyo thought.

The boy is pushed into the car roughly, he grunts. "I didn't do anything wrong goddammit! I'm just trying to live!" He cried. *sniffs*

*Driving in car*

'They all say that... Everyone...' Tomoyo frowned. "Oh yeah. well stealing isn't the answer."

The boy looked like he'd been through a lot though, and surprisingly wasn't that unattractive. He had a blue grey hoodie on, torn up jeans. Silver hair, purple eyes and smooth pale skin.

He looked sort of familiar. "Hey I haven't arrested you before have I?" Tomoyo needed to figure out where he'd seen him before.

The boy kept silent. "Not gonna talk huh?" Tomoyo sighed.

"You wouldn't know me... no one does." The boy said silently. "You have any well known family members I'd know?" Tomoyo curiously asked.

"No... I have no family."

Tomoyo felt sorry for him.

"May I ask why?"

"I never knew my mother, my father died when I was 3, I was sent to an orphanage, never got adopted by a nice family. Always had to escape the abuse."

'Man... he's had a bad life. It's real unfair... This is the first time I've felt bad about taking someone to the police station.'

"I see... I'm sorry to hear that."

The boy lowered his head as if in shame.

"Ah yes, I need your name." Tomoyo had almost forgotten to ask.

"My name... is Kyoto Nanami."

Tomoyo stopped the car. immediately he knew.


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