Can't tell a crook by it's cover ~7~

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"No! no! let me go!" Kyoto screamed.

Izumi smiled.

"I like your screams. They are so cute." Izumi chuckled.

"Let me hear more..." Izumi licked Kyoto behind the ear causing him to breath heavily.

"Stop... this..."

Izumi let go of Kyoto and got up.

Kyoto looked up with tears falling from his eyes.

Izumi walked away until he got to the end of his desk where he bent down.

"What are you..." Kyoto groaned.

Izumi moved his hand down to the corner of his desk and clicked something.

A small red hidden button.


"It takes a while for it to kick in." Izumi hesitated.


Noises were coming from the walls. Sounded like machinery...

"What is going on...?"

Suddenly small parts in the walls started to flip over exposing all sorts of unknown objects.

"Huh?" Kyoto gasped.

The office had completely transformed into some sort of lewd sex play room.

Whips, chains, ropes, leashes and collars and many strange looking toys...

"What is this!?"

'Why does everyone I meet have some sort of sex toy fetish?' Kyoto frowned.

Izumi laughed. "Welcome to my lair..."

He grabbed something from one of the shelves and threw it at Kyoto.

"Augh!"Kyoto cried.

He was lashed hard by a whip.

"Those cries are incredibly sexy. Let me hear more!"

Over and over the sharp pain kept on coming.

"Stop this! it hurts!"

Izumi stopped once Kyotos lip started to bleed.

He walked over and grabbed a long chain and attached it to his collar.

"Brace yourself."

Meanwhile Tomoyo is trying desperately to open the door.

"Please! There has to be a key!" Tomoyo begged the shop assistant.

"I'm sorry but it's true, I don't have one close by!" The assistant started to rub his forehead, he was obviously stressed out.

Tomoyo started banging on the door even louder and harder. "OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!"

The assistant pulled Tomoyo away from the door. "Stand back..." He said quietly.

"Gya!" The assistant charged towards the door with some sort of large club.


The door was completely knocked off its hinges.

"Kyoto!" Tomoyo rushed into the room. Only to find...


"Wha-!" Tomoyos face turned as white as a sheet.

"Shhh..." The assistant held his fingers up to his own lips.

He led Tomoyo down a long dark hallway.

"What is this doing in such a simple shop?" Tomoyo asked curiously.

"There's a secret... Izumi keeps. The truth is he's actually quite a sadist. He enjoys torturing young good looking boys... Despite his looks, he actually has a disgusting personality." The assistant certainly knew a lot.

"Why didn't you warn us?"

The assistant went quiet.

"I'm actually quite afraid of him. When I found out you were a police, it gave me a lot of hope. You see... He has a lot of pets... If you arrest him then we can go free!" The assistant smiled.

"I'm sorry to say, you're friend is in trouble..."

They continued walking until they reached a large door with locks on it.

"The combination... 5-3-0-1-6-2-5-8-1-2-2-7-0... *click*" The door was unlocked.

Distant screams were heard.

'That's... Kyoto!' Tomoyo recognised the screams.

The two broke into the room, the assistant cowering behind Tomoyo and Tomoyo holding up his gun and badge.

"KYOTO!" Tomoyos eyes widened at the horrifying display.

Kyoto was tied to a board and chains, attached to his arms and legs. A tight ring clutching his member, it was turning red and looked painful. A blindfold and a gag in his mouth, drool seeping down his mouth and onto his chest. Whip marks on his body, bleeding heavily from his wounds and his lip. You could tell he'd been crying.

Tomoyo didn't even hesitate to pull the blindfold from his eyes and the gag from his mouth. Saliva connected to it.

"TOMOYO!" Kyoto immediately smiled in relief, he felt so safe.

Tears started to form in Tomoyos eyes.

Quickly he pulled off all the chains and released the horrible torturous mechanism attached to his bulging red cock.

Kyoto fell into Tomoyos arms.

"I knew you'd come..."

'I can feel his warm tears on my shoulder, how dare that monster do this to my precious Kyoto...'

"I came too late... I'm so sorry!" Tomoyo pleaded for forgiveness.

"I-it's okay! I'm so glad you came... he hasn't touched me so don't worry too much..." Kyoto patted his head.

"Watch out Tomoyo!" The assistant warned.

Behind Tomoyo a chair came bolting up at him.

"Ack!" It struck behind his head.

"Izumi you fucking bastard!" The assistant grabbed Izumi by the hair.

"Quick shoot him!" The assistant called.

Tomoyo pointed the gun at Izumi, leaving him no choice but to surrender.

"Yo assistant, punch him for me... actually take the gun and hold the trigger." Tomoyo moved his head back.

The assistant walked over and took over.

Tomoyo immediately ran over and gave him a good beating. Over and over his angry fists struck his face. "How dare you! do this! to my! Kyoto! Hes mine!!" Tomoyo was out of breath.

Izumi lay on the ground. "Fine... take me to jail... you stupid policeman... you know you're no better than me. I saw that collar..."

Kyoto backed him up.

"That's not true! Tomoyo loves me, and I love him... I'm not his pet... I'm his lover!" Kyoto blushed by saying this.

Tomoyo blushed too.

Tomoyo grabbed his pager. "Yo Lori, come up to the candle shop on 34th street. I've got another pervert in my hands..."

Tomoyo and Kyoto looked at each other and smiled.

'I'm so glad he's safe now... Is he?'

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