Will you be mine? ~4~

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'What a disgusting man... why... would he do those things?' Kyoto thought while still tied up to the bed frame staring at Tomoyo covered in his own cum.

"Well... there you've had your fun now, what else do you want? Can I go now?"
Kyoto pouted.

Tomoyo wrinkled his forehead, and let out a long sigh.

"You see... I couldn't possibly let you go, you're just too cute!" Tomoyo squealed.

'What is he thinking... I'm a 17 year old with no home, no life, no money, and now no clothes...'

Tomoyo moved close to Kyoto.

"Listen up, ill make a deal with you." Tomoyo purred.

Kyoto tried to move away by kicking his legs into the bed which only dug him into a corner.

Tomoyo gave an evil grin.

"I'm a policeman, it's my job to keep rats like you off the street and under control." Tomoyo said while looking Kyoto right on the eye.

Kyoto lowered his head.

"You know I'vent got much of a choice here, I have no home... no money... nothing. I have nothing to live for!" Kyoto cried.


Tomoyo and Kyou were talking about the future in the park.

"Hey listen... Tomoyo..." Kyou croaked with a cigarette hanging from his dry lips.

He always smoked.

Tomoyo looked over a Kyou.

"You know that I've got health problems and I have been thinking about Kyotos future..."

Tomoyos eyes grew with fear.

"Nah! Kyou what are you saying! You're gonna live a LONG time! Maybe even longer if you'd just quit smoking..." Tomoyo was in denial about Kyous health.

"Listen... If I do pass on in the near future... I want you to make sure Kyoto goes to a nice family! He's the only reason I didn't commit suicide that day. He's the reason I'm still breathing. I love that kid okay. So please... Love him too." Tears were almost forming in Kyous eyes.

Tomoyo nodded and they both hugged. Both of them not minding the unmanliness of the situation.


"You're right." Tomoyo patted Kyoto on the head and smiled.

"That's why I'm giving you a choice." Tomoyo started.

"Huh?" Kyoto gasped.

Tomoyo crossed him legs and sat right in front of Kyoto.

Tomoyo noticed that Kyoto had broken out of the ropes that were attached to his legs.

"Don't try anything." Tomoyo demanded.

Kyoto nodded out of angst.

"I'm giving you two options. Option one, I can take you to the police station and you can go to jail for a year or two. They'll probably work you till you keel over." Tomoyo said with little tone in his voice.

"Or... option two. Stay with me, in my house, ill get you a nice job and ill clothe you and feed you." Tomoyo smiled.

Kyoto suspiciously squinted his eyes.

"What's the catch?" Kyoto asked.

Tomoyo leaned in close.

"No catch, just let me love you."


"What!?" Kyoto screeched.

"Hehe... well you're jut so cute... I may not be able to control myself!" Tomoyo giggled and blushed.

Kyoto thought long and hard.

"Okay... I'll take option one! ill go to jail, I don't care about myself. Option two, just seems a little... gay? I don't really know, it just doesn't seem like much of a punishment..." Kyoto had decided.

Tomoyo smiled. "Ill be back in a second."

He left the room again.


"Sorry for the wait." Tomoyo sighed.

In one hand he had a remote, in the other some sort of collar.

"Okay, since you chose option one. Why don't I make option two a little more appealing." Tomoyo showed Kyoto the collar and stretched it out.

"W-what is that?" Kyoto gaped at it.

"For option two, you have to wear this shock collar, if you move at least 100 metres away from me, 15750 electroshocks with zap you in an instant, that's a hell of a lot."

Kyoto gulped.

"So how about it? Do you really think option two isn't punishment enough?"

Kyoto frowned.

"O-" Kyoto choked.

"Okay... Option two it is..." Kyoto sighed.

"Good boy."

Tomoyo put on the shock collar feeling his fragile neck. "You chose wisely." Tomoyo whispered.

The collar was attached and Tomoyo untied Kyoto from the bed.

"Lets go buy some clothes shall we?" Tomoyo smiled.

Kyoto completely forget he was nude. He gave a let about a little shriek and blushed.

"You can borrow some of my clothes, don't you worry." Tomoyo patted him on the back.

And so begins the start of their new life together...

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